JAKARTA - PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) has opened its voice regarding the possibility of Indonesia having a level train or double decker train.

President Director of PT KAI Commuter Indonesia (KCI) Asdo Artriviyanto said that actually the discourse of trains with graded carriages had been studied by KAI in 2019 but was hampered by the problem of free space.

"Our track is the existing relic of the Netherlands, including tunnels and bridges. Ever tried in 2019 but the free space did not meet and the effort was great to change the tunnel," he said when met in Gambir, Wednesday, August 28.

KAI VP Public Relations Anne Purba said this innovation requires a lot of investment costs. For this reason, although a study was carried out on the Rangkasbitung route in 2019, the implementation of this train with a graded carriage could not be carried out in the near future.

"The investment is quite large too. The study is in Rangkasbitung. The investment is very high for double decker," he continued.

Anne did not rule out the possibility of this doubledecker plan being implemented in Indonesia. However, according to her, this plan still has to be discussed with the Directorate General of Railways of the Ministry of Transportation who acts as a regulator.

"Later we will coordinate with DJKA (related to) the free space. We have to check whether the infrastructure is possible or not. We have to coordinate with DJKA, because that's the signal (KA), rail, then we have to check whether the technology of all infrastructure is ready or not," concluded Anne.

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