JAKARTA - In an effort to continue to support and advance social innovation that has an impact in Indonesia, the BUMN Foundation is proud to announce the success of 20 social entrepreneurs as recipients of grants in the 'Best Country Thoughts' innovative program, which has attracted more than 1,000 applications from all over Indonesia.

This program marks the Foundation's commitment to encourage solutions that can deal with important social problems in Indonesia, with a special focus on the fields of the environment, maternal and child health, as well as mental health. This initiative demonstrates the dedication of the Foundation to ensure a broad representation, covering various regions from Sabang to Merauke, underlining the importance of diversity and inclusiveness in social innovation.

Selected innovators such as Fishesia, Nexmedis, and Gede Musang originating from various regions in Indonesia will now enter the intensive bootscamp phase. Bootcamps to be undertaken are designed to strengthen their ability to develop projects and prepare them for presentations at the Grand Final Pitching. Bootcamp is not only focused on technical development, but also on business strategies and collaborative approaches, ensuring that each project has a strong foundation for success and sustainable growth.

Bootcamp aims to hone and finalize their concept before facing off in the Grand Final Pitching which will take place on August 25, 2024 at Ciputra Artpreneur, Jakarta. This peak event will not only be a presentation event, but also as a discussion forum and collaboration between innovators, business leaders, and policy makers. This event will be the culmination of a series of activities that will not only promote innovation but also cooperation between sectors.

"In this month of independence, we celebrate the spirit of innovation that has great potential to advance the nation, and this is an opportunity to spur sustainable progress with ideas that answer our social and environmental challenges," said SOE Minister Erick Thohir, in a written statement, Monday, August 19.

"I congratulate selected social entrepreneurs who are ready to have a significant impact on Indonesia through their hard work and brilliant ideas. This initiative reflects the commitment of the BUMN Foundation to advance the economy and social welfare. These innovators, together with all who will join us in the Grand Final Pitching event, are today's heroes whose inspiration we will perpetuate for future generations," he concluded.

The Grand Final Pitching event is not only an event for innovators to present their ideas, but also as a platform for company and industrial leaders, visionary investors, academics, researchers, policy experts, and government officials to see and support innovations that have the potential to bring social change. This event will also attract the presence of non-governmental organizations, academics, and the media, all of which have an important role in supporting and spreading sustainable innovation.

Maya Lestari, Chief Program & Operation of the BUMN Foundation, is enthusiastic to see how this event will facilitate cross-sectoral collaboration and innovation.

"This event is not just a presentation event, but an opportunity to build a solid support network for the implementation and growth of these innovative ideas," he explained.

At the Peak Grand Final Pitching event, the BUMN Foundation invites impact makers, social activists, social entrepreneurs as well as all stakeholders who are committed to sustainable development and social progress to participate in this event.

Registration to attend the Grand Final Pitching has been opened and more information is available through the official website of the BUMN Foundation at www.yayasanbumn.org. This event is a unique opportunity to see how diversity and creativity from various parts of Indonesia can work together to create innovative solutions that are sustainable.

Don't miss the opportunity to meet and support innovation heroes who will shape Indonesia's future. Together, we will celebrate the extraordinary strength and potential of innovation to bring about a broad positive change.

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