JAKARTA - Investment Minister/Head of the Investment and Investment Agency (BKPM) Rosan Roeslani promised to optimize investments that enter the country. Caranan, by expanding cooperation with the private sector and strengthening collaboration.

Even so, Rosan also reminded that various steps to encourage investment must also be accompanied by good governance.

"Incidentally, previously I was the Head of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and in collaboration with the private sector, we must increase it to the maximum in existing rules and corridors," he said in his remarks during the handover of the position or certificate of the Minister of Investment/Head of BKPM at the BKPM Ministry Office, Jakarta, Monday, August 19.

"Investasi ini wajah terlalu besar kalau hanya dikerjakan hanya sedikit (orang) atau negara. Kita lakukan sama-sama tapi dalam tata kelola yang benar," sambungnya.

On the other hand, Rosan also said that investment would play a very important role for domestic economic growth.

Investasi mainkan peran yang sangat penting bagi pwrkembangan ekonomi, karena kontribusinya terhadap GDP 30 persen. (Rinciannya) 50 persen domestic consumption, bari belanja pemerintah, ekspor impor sehingga investasi perannya sangat krusial ke depan, tegasnya.

Meanwhile, referring to BPS data, investment or formation of a gross fixed model (PMTB) grew by 4.43 percent and contributed 27.89 percent to economic growth in the second quarter of 2024.

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