JAKARTA - PT PKSS' 25-year journey has passed various obstacles, ranging from the economic crisis to the pandemic, making the company succeed in building a reputation as a provider of efficient and trusted human resources management, consulting, training and development services at the national level.

One of the main keys to the success of PT. PKSS is to provide services wholeheartedly. When the company serves with heart, the company not only fulfills its duties and responsibilities, but also builds stronger and more meaningful relationships both with Partners and those around the company.

"We always strive to become a proud company of the nation that plays a role in efforts to improve the welfare of the Indonesian people. We always try to combine business with a humanist side as a form of our responsibility to the community, through full-hearted service," said PT PKSS President Director Revi Rizal Latif, in a written statement, Thursday 15 August.

"For us, it is not only human resource professionalism that is the main thing, but also character, attitude and friendliness in work are needed. This is in accordance with the company's goals as a company providing labor services with the best media services. And we also always provide service excellence wholeheartedly to partners," added Revi.

This achievement will certainly not be fulfilled without dedication and good cooperation from all elements in PT PKSS. As mentioned already, the company took the initiative to provide sustainable added value for the Indonesian people. Through the MPO (Man Power Outsourching) business owned by PT PKSS to provide human resources that are experts in their fields, PT PKSS provides experts such as professional and managerial staff, functional staff, security personnel, to supporting staff such as drivers, cleaning services and basic workers. These experts are trained with knowledge briefing while still prioritizing the humanist side, namely providing full-hearted service.

One of the evidences shown by the full-hearted service of the talents prepared by PT PKSS came from security unit officers who served at BRI Unit Jelambar, Jakarta, namely Anziz Bambang Saputra and Syaiful Anwar. They are at the forefront of welcoming customers with full smiles, they are also the ones who provide leading information and provide full-hearted service to customers.

By continuing to carry out their commitment to serve wholeheartedly, Anziz Bambang Saputra and Syaiful Anwar not only focus on their daily work responsibilities in providing the best service, they also managed to extinguish the fire which almost scorched the office where they work.

"This is my responsibility as a security unit, we must be prepared to provide security and comfort. We are always educated and taught to provide the best and full-hearted service. And of course efforts to extinguish this fire for mutual safety," said Anziz.

Not only did he succeed in helping extinguish the fire, but Fiqrah also showed another bold action, a PT PKSS security guard who served in one of the modern retail stores at the Mall in Makassar. Fiqrah managed to thwart the theft at the retail shop.

Fiqrah said as a security guard from PT PKSS, he was always ordered to work wholeheartedly, responsively and had to be brave because it was true. So that when he saw the suspicious actions of the thieves, he immediately swiftly prevented and arrested the thief. This is also a form of dedication to provide comfort, security and full-hearted service for customers, especially customers of the retail store.

For the extraordinary form of dedication and dedication from Priority Personnel above, PT. PKSS gives appreciation in the form of awards to Anziz Bambang, Syaiful Anwar and Fiqrah as a form of maintaining security and providing excellent service.

'Loyality in carrying out work wholeheartedly is inseparable from the attitude and strategy of the company which always applies the principle of humanity, namely that companies not only increase reputation but also contribute positively to society and the environment," said Revi.

Revi believes and believes, in fact, not only security guards, but all PT PKSS managed workers from various fields try to serve partners optimally. They carry out their duties wholeheartedly and don't want to disappoint the customers they serve, the company where they work and also their families at home that they are living in.

"Currently the company has 300 corporate partners and manages more than 50,000 managed workers spread throughout Indonesia, both from BUMN, BUMD and Multi Nasional. PT PKSS will continue to transform to grow in innovation, improve quality performance and serve wholeheartedly as a key form of the company's success in accordance with our tagline: Growing, Tough, Quality," he concluded.

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