PT Dana Tabungan dan Asuransi Pegawai Negeri (Persero) (TASPEN) is committed to continuing to improve the capabilities and capabilities of all employees (Insan TASPEN) through various employee development programs to improve service quality to all participants. For this commitment, TASPEN won five awards at the Human Capital on Resilience Excellence Award (HCREA) 2024 organized by First Indonesia Magazine at the Cawang Hotel Indonesia Central, Jakarta, Thursday 1 August.

This award was handed over directly by the Chief Executive of HCREA 2024, Maya Julianti to TASPEN Corporate Secretary, Pudiastuti Citra Adi. The awards that were won, among others, The Best in HC Change Management & Communication Strategy, The Best Worforce Flexicity & Mobility, The Best in Business Transformation, The Most Resilience Company 2024 and The Best Leadership in Human Capital Development on behalf of the Director of Human Resources & IT TASPEN, Ovita Susiana Rosya.

The assessment process at this award event is based on an objective and independent assessment by several credible jury in their field. Previously, TASPEN had won four awards at once at a similar event in 2023.

TASPEN's Corporate Secretary, Pudiastuti Citra Adi, highly appreciates all TASPEN personnel for their hard work and high dedication until TASPEN has won this award again. In principle, TASPEN believes that good education and human resources development are an investment and an important key to achieving long-term success in the company.

"We hope that this award can trigger enthusiasm for TASPEN to continue to improve the quality of TASPEN human resources so that they can contribute to TASPEN's business and services for all Indonesian participants and people," he said in a written statement, Wednesday, August 14.

Until now, TASPEN continues to be committed to developing human resources through the TASPEN Employee Achievement Scholarship Program (TEACH) program which is a scholarship program intended for TASPEN employees for various levels of education and Corporate Leadership Training (CLT) programs which are programs to prepare leadership cadres who are able to turn challenges into opportunities, have business sharpness and are able to develop resources in the face of future changes.

To date, the TACH program has been attended by 174 participants, with details of 41 people for the D3 S1 program, as many as 28 people who participated in the SMA - S1 program and 104 people who participated in the Postgraduate (S2) program.

These efforts were made to improve the quality of TASPEN's personnel services to the participants so that they could have positive implications for the company's performance and contribute to Indonesia's progress.

The various efforts to improve the quality of human resources are of course in line with the direction of SOE Minister Erick Thohir to improve the quality of human resources for all state-owned companies, so that they can increase competitiveness globally and bring changes that can make the nation proud.

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