JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance noted that the realization of Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) reached Rp338 trillion as of July 2024, equivalent to 68.7 percent of the 2024 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) target of Rp492 trillion.

However, the realization contracted by 5 percent compared to the performance of the same period in 2023 of IDR 355.7 trillion.

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati in a press conference on the KiTa State Budget, Edition of August 2024 in Jakarta, Tuesday, August 13, explained that the slowdown in PNBP's performance was due to declining acceptance of oil and gas and gas natural resources (SDA).

The receipt of the oil and gas SDA was recorded at IDR 64.5 trillion, contracting 6.4 percent (year-on-year/yoy) due to a decrease in petroleum lifting.

This decline was influenced by delayed onstream and high production of natural oil and gas wells, in line with the aging main oil and gas production facility.

Meanwhile, non-oil and gas SDA revenues also contracted, which was 21.8 percent yoy with a realization of IDR 68.4 trillion.

The non-oil and gas SDA contraction is mainly influenced by price moderation and the decrease in the volume of coal commodity production.

Other PNBP realizations also contracted by 10.5 percent yoy with a realization of IDR 86.2 trillion. The weakening performance of other PNBPs is due to a decrease in mining revenue which is in line with price moderation and coal production volume, as well as a decrease in the deposit of PNBP ministries/agencies (K/L) due to the non-recurrence of a number of revenues in 2024.

On the other hand, the performance of state assets separated (KND) and public service agencies (BLU) has increased.

KND's performance grew 13.4 percent yoy to IDR 68.3 trillion, mainly from bank SOE dividend payments for improving financial performance.

Meanwhile, BLU's performance grew 18.2 percent yoy to IDR 50.7 trillion. The main factor driving the performance of this component is the PNBP BLU education and health as well as BLU banking services which have increased.

However, BLU's revenue from fund managers, especially palm oil export levy revenues, has slowed down by 11.2 percent yoy.

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