JAKARTA - In commemoration of 79 Years of Indonesian Independence, PT Biro Classification Indonesia (BKI) (Persero), PT SUCOFINDO, and PT Surveyor Indonesia which are members of the IDSurvey (Holding Jasa Survei) held a series of cycling activities and distribution of aid for the Blokok Village' Kampung Ranca Bayawak, Gedebage, Bandung.

Also attending and participating in a series of activities were the Director of Finance, Administration, and Risk Management of PT BKI (Persero)/IDSurvey, Sinung Quarterandari, Director of Industrial Services of PT SUCOFINDO, Budi Utomo, Director of Finance and Risk Management of PT Surveyor Indonesia, Wahyu Witjaksono, and Director of Human Resources of PT Surveyor Indonesia, Lussy Ariani Seba.

Titled 'Wheel of Wonders' this activity is intended in addition to celebrating the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, also to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goal (TPB) no. 3, Decent and Prosperous Life through cycling activities and TPB no. 15, Mainland Ecosystem through the distribution of assistance for Blekok Bird Conservation in Ranca Bayawak Village, Gedebage.

In line with the theme of 79th independence, Nusantara Baru Indonesia Maju, Director of Finance, Administration, and Risk Management of PT BKI (Persero), Sinung Triwundari revealed that one of the goals of this activity is to strengthen the bonds between entities to be able to progress and grow together as a survey service holding.

"Of course, these rides and CSRs can be physically beneficial to both cyclists and to CSR beneficiaries in Blekok Village, but can also strengthen synergy between entities, so that they can grow together and achieve big goals as an IDSurvey, as well as to fulfill our roles and duties in achieving Indonesia Gold 204," said Sinung, in a written statement, Sunday, August 11.

Director of Industrial Services of PT SUCOFINDO, Budi Utomo, said the same thing, especially regarding the role of the testing, inspection, and certification (TIC) industry in national industrial growth.

"As a company engaged in the TIC industry and committed to being able to optimally support the growth of the national industry, the reliability of collective services and holding competencies must be built in various ways, one of which is by initiatives related to corporate culture, such as our activities today," he explained.

This series of cycling activities and provision of CSR assistance are also a manifestation of efforts to balance office activities with social activities and physical and mental strengthening of IDSurvey personnel. As revealed by the Director of Human Resources of PT Surveyor Indonesia, Lussy Ariani Seba.

"This series is also a corporate cultural initiative that supports employee wellbeing, through balancing the physical, mental, and mental strength of IDSurvey personnel, as well as the involvement of employees in social activities which can then encourage productivity and the desire to continue to work and have an impact on the community, both as individuals, as well as as part of organizations or corporates," said Lussy.

The CSR activity in Blekok Village itself consists of the provision of 150 shoots of ornamental plants that will be planted along village road access, as well as the relocation and renovation of waste disposal sites which are expected to add acidity and support the habitat of blekok birds in conservation areas.

"Today we distribute 150 shoots of ornamental plants so that Blekok Village is more beautiful, then we have also distributed building materials and funding for the relocation and renovation of more feasible residents' waste disposal sites and a little further from bamboo trees that are habitat for Blekok Birds." said PT Surveyor Indonesia's Director of Finance and Risk Management, Wahyu Witjaksono.

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