PT Bank BCA Syariah (BCA Syariah) noted that the financing disbursed through Sustainable Business Activities (KUB) reached IDR 2.6 trillion in the first semester of 2024.

The total sustainable financing rose 5.3 percent on an annual basis (year-on-year/yoy) compared to the same period the previous year which was recorded at IDR 2.4 trillion.

"We are committed to maintaining a balance between people, profit and planets, including by supporting sustainable business sectors," said BCA Syariah President Director Yuli Melati Suryaningrum during a press conference on the presentation of financial performance in the first semester of 2024 in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, July 31.

Until June 2024, the composition of the distribution of KUB BCA Syariah financing was 27.3 percent of the total financing of Rp9.5 trillion.

Yuli detailed that the KUB financing portfolio of Rp. 2.6 trillion was distributed to 6 categories of KUB, including eco-efficient products of Rp. 363.4 billion, energy efficiency of Rp. 242.7 billion, management of biological resources & use of sustainable land of Rp. 117.07 billion.

Then prevention and pollution control of Rp. 15.3 billion, environmentally friendly transportation of Rp. 2.7 billion, sustainable water and waste water management of Rp. 2.3 billion, and MSME activities of Rp. 1.9 trillion.

He conveyed that other sustainability commitments were also shown in various forms of contribution to the community and the environment through three pillars.

First, the BCA Syariah Cares for Achievements program has educated various segments of society ranging from students, students, MSMEs and professionals. "As of June 2024, we have carried out literacy education activities to 8,507 participants," said Yuli.

This program was attended by 60 percent of the general public, and 40 percent of students.

Second, the Prosperous Care Program with training and assistance programs for business actors.

Third, caring for Social through various programs for the benefit of the community and the environment.

This program includes various activities such as blood donation activities, donations of Eid al-Adha in 16 locations, as well as revitalization of mosques and prayer rooms in Jakarta, Bandar Lampung and Bandung.

Meanwhile, the distribution of BCA Syariah financing in the first semester of 2024 was recorded at IDR 9.5 trillion or grew 21.0 percent compared to the same period the previous year which amounted to IDR 7.8 trillion.

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