JAKARTA - The rice reserves in the warehouse under the Cirebon Bulog Branch Office, West Java, can be used for the next 13 months, and even now they cannot fully absorb the farmers' grain.

"Our rice reserves could reach the next 13 months," said Head of Bulog Cirebon Branch Office Ramadin Ruding in Cirebon, as quoted from Antara, Monday, March 22.

According to him, there are currently 70 thousand tons of government-owned and commercial rice reserves stored in several warehouses owned by Bulog Cirebon.

With this amount, said Ramadin, the assumption could be for the next 13 months, because the estimated distribution of rice from the Cirebon Bulog was a maximum of 5,000 tons.

"Our estimate is that each month we distribute 5,000 tons, so when the amount of rice stock is divided, it will be met between 13 and 14 months," he said.

Meanwhile, the warehouse capacity at Bulog Cirebon, continued Ramadin, is 111 thousand tons and currently 70 thousand tons are being used, meaning that there are 41 thousand tons left.

However, the remainder cannot be used fully, due to an irregular pile of rice, so it can only be optimized to accommodate 21 thousand tons.

"With a warehouse that can only accommodate 21 thousand tons, we will not optimize the absorption target in 2021," he said.

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