JAKARTA - The revised draft of Presidential Regulation Number 191 of 2014 which regulates the criteria for Pertalite and Solar subsidized fuel users is now at President Joko Widodo's desk.

The Presidential Regulation contains the provision, Distribution and Retail Selling Prices of subsidized fuel.

"Now, when it is discussed at my level, at Echelon 1 it has been completed, it has been discussed at the level, the Minister (ESDM) has been completed, at the Coordinating Minister (Economics, now Mr. President," Dadan told the media crew at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Building, Friday 26 July.

Dadan added that this new regulation will contain specific criteria for recipients who are entitled to consume subsidized fuel. In addition to the issue of subsidized fuel criteria, this rule will also regulate fuel with the standard quality of Euro 4 which is claimed to be cleaner and lower emissions.

"So, one, we want to try to apply clean fuel, sulfur, low sulfur," Dadan explained.

Previously, Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs Susiwijono Moegiarso conveyed that the discussion in the draft revision of Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 191 of 2014 concerning Provision, Distribution and Retail Selling Prices of Oil Fuel will be completed this week or next week.

"When the Presidential Regulation was discussed yesterday, there was a draft, a draft revision of the Perpres. Then yesterday's notes need to be reviewed again at the technical coordination meeting, hopefully this week it will be finished," he explained to the media crew, Thursday, July 25.

Susiwijono hopes that the distribution of subsidized fuel can be more targeted and felt by those who are entitled to receive it and ensure that the government will not increase the price or limitation of purchases.

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