KENDAL - The Land Bank Agency together with the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), PT Bank Tabungan Negara Tbk (BTN) and PT Sarana Multigriya Finansial (Persero), BP Tapera, Kendal Regency Government and PT Asatu Realty Asri signed an MOU on planning, building and financing of housing for Low-Income Communities (MBR), in Mergosari Village, Kendal today, Tuesday, July 23.

Deputy for Utilization and Business Cooperation, Hakiki Sudrajat said the total houses to be built were 396 units of buildings consisting of 386 housing units and 9 shop houses (ruko). Later this housing will stand on an area of 4.2 hectares.

"This is outside the flats that will be built by the province. Earlier, it was coordinated with the province, God willing, 2025 will be built," Hakiki told the media in Kendal, Tuesday, July 23.

Later this subsidy house will be priced at IDR 165.5 million per unit with construction standards in the form of green building.

Hakiki further said that currently the status of the land that will be used as a housing complex is still in the form of land processing rights (HPL) by the Land Agency, but within the next 10 years it will be replaced into a certificate of ownership rights.

"God willing, we will help. In 10 years we hope the economy is strong, those who buy have also increased the economy," continued Hakiki.

Hakiki said this housing received a housing financing liquidity facility (FLPP) with an interest rate of 5 percent with an advance of IDR 4 million.

"Notary fees and so on have been borne by developers. Not only houses, including stove kitchens and so on will be assisted. So ready to live," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Regional Secretary of Kendal Regency, Sugiono, said that this cheap house is not only reserved for the Kendal community but also the people around Semarang Regency who need cheap housing. However, he ensures that he will set a limit on the number of people outside Kendal Regency.

"We prioritize the Kendal community but because it is located on the Semarang border, we will proportion it. It can come from outside the city but it is proportional," concluded Sugiono.

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