JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has decided whether the electricity tariff in the third quarter (July-September) of 2024 will remain or not change.

PLN President Director, Darmawan Prasodjo ensured that the company continues to take efficiency steps and provide reliable and quality electricity for all customers in the country.

"The presence of electricity is very important for the movement of the economy. We continue to ensure that customers can continue to get reliable and quality electricity," said Darmawan, Tuesday, July 2.

In addition, in an effort to help maintain reliable electricity supply to drive the national economy, the company is also always actively increasing sales and providing electricity service promos and various attractive incentives for customers.

"PLN is committed to supporting the provision of reliable and affordable electrical energy to maintain the level of inflation and industrial competitiveness. On the other hand, PLN will also continue to increase efficiency efforts and increase electricity sales," Darmawan continued.

Direktur Jenderal Ketenagalistrikan Jisman P. Hutajulu mengatakan bahwa kebijakan ini merupakan bagian dari upaya Pemerintah untuk menjaga daya saing industri serta menjaga tingkat inflasi.

In accordance with the provisions in the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 28 of 2016 jo. Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 8 of 2023, that the adjustment of electricity tariffs for 13 groups of non-subsidized customers can be carried out every 3 months referring to changes to the realization of macroeconomic parameters, namely the exchange rate, Indonesian Crude Price (ICP), inflation, and Reference Coal Price (HBA).

"Based on four parameters (exchange rate, ICP, inflation and HBA), electricity tariff adjustments should be adjusted or _tiff adjustment_ for 13 groups of customers have increased when compared to the previous quarter. However, to maintain competitiveness and control inflation, the Government has decided whether the electricity tariff is fixed or not," said Jisman in Jakarta, Friday, June 28.

In accordance with these regulations, the macroeconomic parameters used for the third quarter of 2024 are realization in February, March, and April 2024, namely an exchange rate of Rp. 15,822.65 per US dollar, an ICP of 83.83 US dollars per barrel, inflation of 0.38 percent, and HBA of 70 US dollars per ton according to the coal DMO policy.

Jisman also added that the electricity tariff for 25 subsidized groups of customers also did not increase and still received electricity subsidies.

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