JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the Directorate General of Water Resources continues to accelerate the completion of the construction of the Way Apu Dam in Buru Regency, Maluku Province.
Currently, the physical progress of the dam construction has reached 71.34 percent.
Acting (Plt) Head of the Maluku River Basin Center (BWS), Directorate General of Water Resources, Ministry of PUPR Faliansyah, said the construction of a dam that has a capacity of 50.05 million cubic meters had its contract starting in December 2017.
"Until now, the progress of physical construction has reached 71.34 percent. It is targeted that the construction of the Way Apu Dam will be completed in 2024 so that it can immediately provide benefits to the community," said Faliansyah in his official statement, Tuesday, July 2.
Faliansyah said that the scope of work being carried out includes hoarding the maincofferdam and playing dam, printing precast concrete, concrete spillway, excavating the right slope of the spillway, protection of spillway slopes and the foundation structure of the right side wing wall.
Then, concrete work on the depletion structure next to the wing wall, concrete structure of gated delegation foundations, fabrication of spillway structure, installation of hydromechanical doors, public facility work and viewpoint work.
He hopes that the Way Apu Dam can provide benefits for the people of Maluku, especially in terms of irrigation water availability covering an area of 10,000 hectares (ha).
"The availability of raw water with a discharge of 0.5 cubic meters per second, the ability to reduce flooding by 557 cubic meters per second, as a power plant with a capacity of 8 MW capable of lighting around 8,750 houses with a capacity of 900 watts and as a tourism site that will grow the regional economy," he said.
For your information, the dam that dams the Way Apu River is built on an area of approximately 422.08 ha. The dam has a zone type of core grade perpendicular to a height of 72 meters, a peak width of 12 meters, a peak length of 490 meters and an area of inundation to reach 235.10 ha.
This water field infrastructure was built with a contract value of IDR 2.159 trillion which was divided into two work packages. Package 1 in the form of main dam construction worth IDR 1.114 trillion was carried out by PT PP-Adhi Karya KSO. Furthermore, the work of package 2 in the form of a spillway construction worth IDR 1.045 trillion was carried out by PT Hutama Karya- Jaya Konstruksi KSO.
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