JAKARTA - PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) continues to strive to increase oil and gas production, among others, through exploration activities with an acquisition of data covering an area of 358 Km2 which will be processed by the end of 2024 with a target completion by 2025.

"Eksplorasi dengan mengakuisisi data seluas 358 Km2 dilakukan melalui evaluasi seismik 3D sebuah kinerja kegiatan akuisisi yang baik dari sisi keselamanan kerja dan kembalilan operasi," kata EVP Upstream Business PHR Andre Wijanarko di Pekanbaru, dikutip dari Antara, Senin 1 Juli.

According to Andre, through the acquisition of data covering an area of 358 Km2, it is hoped that large-size prospects will be found that can support the achievement of national oil and gas production in the future.

He explained that this PHR exploration activity has an important mission to find new additional resources in the Rokan Block, which is currently in the aging category (mature).

"With the addition of new resources, the Rokan Block as the backbone of national oil production is expected to be more productive and beneficial for the Indonesian nation and state," he said.

PHR is committed to carrying out massive and aggressive exploration work which includes 11 exploration wells, 1,000 km2 3D seismic and 5 geological and geophysical studies (G&G) with a total planned investment commitment of more than 140 million US dollars.

In the first three years since the transfer of management, PHR has actually drilled seven exploration wells, the first exploration well, namely Siordin North-1, has managed to record additional continuum resources with an on-site figure of 31.5 million barrels of oil per day.

"There are two non-conventional oil and gas exploration wells (MNK), namely Gulamo and Kelok DET, which are the deepest wells in the central part of Sumatra which are operationally successful and are expected to provide additional resources after operational activities and evaluations are completed by drilling," said Andre.

Head of SKK Migas Representative for Sumbagut, Rikky Rahmat Firdaus, said that PHR exploration drilling is a form of realization of the Sure Work Commitment (KKP) for 2021-2026 which must be carried out considering that the Rokan Block as a non-renewable SDA has almost a century provided sources of oil and gas for the nation can continue to produce.

"As operators and operations are supervised by the government through SKK Migas, we appreciate that PHR has shown real efforts since the beginning of its massive operation," he said.

According to him, the number of drilling in the area already exists, as well as new exploration wells that have the potential to become a source of petroleum reserves with different targets from the previous layer.

"This activity is part of a 5 year KKP commitment of 500 million US dollars," said Rikky.

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