JAKARTA - PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) continues to strive to increase oil and gas production after the transfer of management of the Rokan Block. One of them is through exploration activities that have succeeded in providing significant additional resources and oil and gas reserves from the Rokan Block.

UPstream Business EVP PHR Andre Wijanarko said PHR was committed to carrying out massive and aggressive work that included 11 exploration wells, 1,000 km2 3D seismic and 5 geological and geophysical studies (G&G).

"In the first 3 years since the transfer of management, PHR has carried out drilling 7 exploration wells, where the first exploration well, Siordin North-1, managed to record additional continuous resources with an on-site figure of 31.5 million barrels of oil," Andre said in an official statement, Sunday, June 30.

In addition, Andre continued, there are two non-conventional oil and gas exploration wells (MNK), namely Gulamo and Kelok DET, which are the deepest wells in the central part of Sumatra which are operationally successful and are expected to provide additional resources after operational and evaluation activities are completed by drilling.

"Operational activities for drilling the other 4 exploration wells are conventional oil and gas, namely Pinang East, Mibasa, Sibarang and Astrea are still ongoing and even at this stage they have shown positive results and are waiting for layer content tests to be continued to the production stage," he explained.

Andre explained that the Rokan exploration drilling had actually started last year and the results of the content test in the form of a 300 BOPD oil flow in the new layer of the North-1 Si Cool well tight sand are currently in the process of determining the status of Exploration together with the East-1 Pinang well.

Not only positive performance in drilling exploration wells, PHR also actively conducts geological evaluation and subsurface geophysics to identify the potentials that have been missed, particularly the potential for shallow targets or Low Quality Reservoir (LQR).

With the use of new concepts and technologies, continued Andre, additional resources in places that were successfully recorded were 70 million barrels of resource oil taken or 320 million on-site resources through the discovery of the Gold Mindal structure.

Andre continued, the acquisition of new geophysics data is no less important. Using high-tech devices, 3D seismic acquisition operations are a complicated operation involving more than 1,000 people (cru) during the process.

"However, the performance of 3D seismic acquisition activities is very good in terms of work safety and reliability of operations, with the total completion of the current data acquisition of 552 km2," he said.

PHR saat ini, kata Andre, juga tengah menyiapkan program berikutnya seluas 358 km2 yang akan dieksekusi pada akhir tahun 2024, dan diharapkan selesai di tahun 2025.

"By conducting this new 3D seismic evaluation, it is hoped that great prospects for 'Big Fish' will be found that can support the achievement of national oil and gas production in the future," he said.

Andre said the exploration activities carried out by PHR had an important mission to find new additional resources in the Rokan Block, which is currently in the aging category (mature).

"With the addition of new resources, the Rokan Block as the backbone of national oil production is expected to be more productive and beneficial for the Indonesian nation and state," he said.

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