BANJARMASIN - The people of South Kalimantan (Kalsel) were reminded by PT Pertamina Patra Niaga to be wiser in using a subsidized 3 kilogram Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) because it has exceeded the quota set in 2024.

"The 3 kg LPG quota subsidized in South Kalimantan in 2024 is around 106,539 metric tons (M/T), until the middle of the year used it has exceeded three percent of the total quota," said Sales Area Manager of South Kalimantan PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Bondan Tri Wibowo in Banjarmasin, quoting ANTARA, Saturday, June 29.

He mentioned that regarding conditions that exceed the quota, there are still people who are actually able to use 3 kg subsidized LPG.

"Users to be wiser, don't take away the rights of people in need. Subsidized LPG is only for people who are pre-secured, if you feel capable, please use non-subsidized LPG," he said.

According to Bondan, people's culture is still rampant, which is actually capable but feels unable to take the rights of others who should need it more in terms of using subsidized 3 kg LPG.

He said there are still many non-subsidized LPGs available in markets, mini markets, and other places. Therefore, people in the category are advised to be wiser not to take the rights of citizens who are more in need.

Regarding the subsidized 3 kg LPG quota in South Kalimantan which has been "over", he explained that the additional proposal process could be submitted by the local government to the central government. However, Pertamina will continue to make maximum efforts to meet the needs of subsidized LPG for the community.

In addition, said Bondan, the Directorate General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia will tighten the rules for distributing subsidized 3 kg LGP to provide a sense of justice for the community. Starting July 1, 2024, the base is only allowed to allocate 10 percent for retailers, and each retailer can only take from one base.

Then, for distribution at the base, there is a digital distribution system through the Pertamina base app merchants, whoever is a consumer at the base must be registered in the application, both the community, micro businesses, and retailers, and when buying, only one identity is registered in a personal name.

He stressed that Pertamina would take firm action if there were bases that were proven to have violated the rules that had been set, with sanctions ranging from supply suspension, to revocation of business licenses.

"The total base in South Kalimantan is around 1,500, some have been sanctioned based on administration, and termination of business (PHU) through agents," concluded Bondan

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