After admitting Mandiri Inhealth shares, PT Asuransi Jiwa IFG (IFG Life) is committed to continuing to provide the best service and improve the welfare of the Indonesian people through reliable and reliable insurance products and services.

The first step in this commitment is to make changes to the composition of IFG Life directors. The Company (Persero) PT Bahana Pembinaan Usaha Indonesia, known as the Indonesia Financial Group (IFG) and PT Bahana Kapital Investa as shareholders of PT Asuransi Jiwa IFG (IFG Life) on Thursday, 27June 2024, made changes to the composition of the Board of Directors at IFG Life.

This is stated in a copy of the Circular Decision of Shareholders of PT Asuransi Jiwa IFG Number: 11/Kep Sir-PS/BPUI/VI/2024 and Number: 009/BKI/06/2024 concerning the appointment of Budi Tua Arifin Tampubolon as President Director of PT Asuransi Jiwa IFG.

Thus, the composition of the latest IFG Life Board of Directors as follows:

a. Budi Tua Arifin Tampubolon: President Director b. Eli Wijanti: Director of Compliance and Risk Management. Iskak Hendrawan: Director of Operationsd. Fabiola Noralita: Director of Business Individuals. Bugi Riagandhy: Director of Corporate Business. Ryan Diastana Firman: Director of Finance. Mufri Dharmawan: Director of Investment

IFG Corporate Secretary Oktarina Dwidya Sistha said changes to IFG Life Directors are a form of IFG's commitment to improving performance, governance, risk management, and ensuring business line strategies run well and sustainably.

We fully support the current performance of IFG Life's Board of Directors to bring positive changes to the company in the insurance industry and make a real contribution to the community. With the current composition of the Board of Directors, we hope that IFG Life can continue to expand the coverage of the protection-based insurance business in meeting the needs of public insurance products and services, as well as becoming a company that grows healthier, bigger, and sustains," said Sistha.

As is known, IFG Life has completed the acquisition of Mandiri Inhealth shares and confirmed its position as majority owner by 80 percent of shares. This corporate action is an important milestone for IFG Group in the development of IFG Life in the future. With this corporate action, IFG Life will become the leader of life and health insurance based on protection that has the largest APE in the Industry with an Annualized Premium Equivalent (APE) of IDR 1.7 trillion in the first quarter of 2024.

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