JAKARTA - Arsari Group through PT Arsari Center Data and PT Solusi Sinergi Digital Tbk or SURGE (WIFI) officially signed a Memorandum of Understanding. PT Arsari Sentra Data is interested in investing in PT Network Infra Andalan anak usaha SURGE (WIFI) to accelerate infrastructure development in providing connectivity services to the wider community.
The signing was carried out by the President Director of PT Solusi Sinergi Digital Tbk Yune Martatimo and the Chairman of PT Arsari Sentra Data Hashim S. Djojohadikusumo.
As is known, Surge targets the provision of reliable and affordable connectivity for 25 million households on the island of Java. With this collaboration, it is hoped that it will accelerate the increase in internet penetration which is more equitable, affordable, and can have an impact on the development of the digital economy of the community.
Currently, the penetration of fixed internet connections to homes (Fixed Broadband) in Indonesia has only reached 15 percent, collaboration and cooperation from various parties are needed in providing reliable, affordable, and equitable services so that it has a significant impact on Indonesia's future economic development.
Surge really welcomes collaboration with the Arsari Group which will support our efforts in providing reliable and affordable internet services for the entire community. We hope that the support from the Arsari Group can support the acceleration of our business operations and accelerate the penetration of fixed broadband to various regions which can have an impact on improving the quality of education, access to health, to improving the economy," said President Director of PT Solusi Sinergi Digital Tbk (SURGE), Yune Margatmo, in his statement, quoted Tuesday, June 25.
Hashim S Djojohadikusumo, Chairman of the Arsari Group, said that his party realizes that public internet access holds a crucial key in the development of the national economy.
All activities and daily necessities of life depend on the availability of the internet, so it is important to support efforts to equalize connectivity in achieving the nation's ideals in modern digital times. Through the collaboration and capabilities possessed by PT Arsari Sentra Data and Surge along with its affiliates, we are confident that we can contribute to improving the digital economy in achieving Indonesia Gold in 2040," said Hashim.
The Fondation of digital transformation lies in the readiness to provide affordable fast internet connectivity, ensuring accessibility for people with limited purchasing power. The collaboration between Surge and Arsari Group in providing affordable connectivity is an important part of the effort to support effective digital transformation. Equitable access to fast and affordable internet contributes significantly to economic growth and community welfare," concluded Arwin Rasyid, Senior Executive Advisor of PT Solusi Sinergi Digital Tbk.
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