JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno responded to the proposal of the Bali DPRD to increase the levy of foreign tourists to 50 US dollars.

He regretted that the proposal from the members of the Bali Council was because the levy of 10 US dollars for foreign tourists had not even been running for six months.

"We will be questioned about credibility in creating a policy. So, after six months, we will review it in August," Sandiaga said at The Weekly Brief with Sandi Uno in Jakarta, Monday, June 24.

Sandiaga asked that the proposal for an increase in levy rates for foreign tourists should not be carried out in a hurry. According to him, evaluations related to tourism levy levies for foreign tourists in Bali are more important to ensure the quality and sustainability aspects of tourism.

On the same occasion, Deputy for Marketing at the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy Ni Made Ayu Marthini said the foreign tourist levy would be used to improve the quality of tourism in Bali. He considered that the proposed increase in levies needed to be discussed together.

"Now that there is a proposal (excess) of 50 US dollars, maybe it should be seen first, discussed. How, really, good policy making. So, it's not crowded and excited," said Made.

Made encouraged the Provincial Government (Pemprov) of Bali to maximize the policy of levying 10 US dollars for foreign tourists which began to be implemented on February 14, 2024. He asked that the funds collected from foreign tourists (tourists) be managed openly and transparently.

"If it is good to walk, it can be reviewed and revised later," he concluded.

Previously, the Chairman of Commission II of the Bali DPRD I Gede Komang Kresna Budi proposed that the tariff on foreign tourists' levies increase from 10 US dollars or equivalent to Rp. 150,000 to 50 US dollars or Rp. 750,000 (assuming an exchange rate of Rp. 15,000 per dollar).

The council assessed that this increase was aimed at selecting tourists who entered and avoided the term Bali cheap destination. In addition, levies can be allocated to the police and immigration who help carry out this policy.

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