JAKARTA - Member of the Finance Division of the Prabowo-Gibran Government Synchronization Task Force Team, Thomas Djiwandono, emphasized that his party and Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati and their staff had communicated intensely for two months.

"I and the economic team have been working closely with the Ministry of Finance for almost 2 months, Minister, Deputy Minister, Director General-Dirjen and so on, so this is a process that is actually natural and synchronized," he said at a press conference on the latest economic fundamental conditions and the 2025 State Budget plan, Monday, June 24.

Thomas said that his party had a meeting last week with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and the elected president Prabowo Subianto. Thomas underlined that there is no difference between Jokowi and Prabowo.

"So all this time I have to underline that there is no gap between President Jokowi and President-elect Prabowo," he said.

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto confirmed that there had been a meeting between President Jokowi and the elected president Prabowo Subianto, as well as the Head of the Prabowo-Gibran Government Synchronization Task Force Team or Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Sufmi Dasco and had agreed on the outline of the 2025 RAPBN.

"It has been explained about economic conditions and related to the RAPBN in 2025. In principle, he understands and agreed to what was discussed yesterday at the meeting and has explained the economic conditions and the 2025 RAPBN," he said.

Airlangga explained that one of the things agreed was the free nutritious food program (MBG) which had been allocated in the 2025 RAPBN, amounting to Rp71 trillion.

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