JAKARTA - President Director of PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) Tony Wenas revealed that until now the government has not issued a copper export approval letter (SPE). In fact, until the end of 2024 Freeport is targeting the export of copper concentrates of up to 900,000 tons.
Previously, the government through the Regulation of the Minister of Trade (Permendag) No. 11 of 2024 and the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (Permen ESDM) Number 6 of 2024 had agreed to grant a copper concentrate export permit for Freeport, but until now the SPE has not been ratified.
"Yes, Kepmennya (udah), tapi izin ekspornya belum. Masih dalam tahap finalisasi," ujar Tony kepada awak media yang dikutip Jumat, 21 Juni.
Regarding the amount of export duties that Freeport has to pay, Tony said it would be announced in conjunction with the issuance of a copper export permit.
"Later, when the export license gets it, the export fee will be found out how much and so on," added Tony.
Based on VOI records, the Government through the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) will soon release regulations in the form of a Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) which will regulate the collection of copper exports.
Head of the Fiscal Policy Agency (BKF) of the Ministry of Finance Febrio Nathan Kacaribu said the rules in the form of PMK are still in the finalization process and will soon be promulgated.
"If I'm not mistaken about the finalization process to be promulgated, I've seen earlier," said Febrio to the media crew, Wednesday, June 5.
In addition, Febrio said that his party was conducting consultations with other countries regarding its implementation.
"So it is still a consul process with other countries as well," he said.
However, Febrio was reluctant to divulge the amount of the levy tariff. However, he can only make sure that these provisions are to support downstream policy programs.
"We support the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources and the Regulation of the Minister of Trade which has already left and that is a continuation of the policy that we encourage for downstreaming," he explained.
Previously, the government provided additional export time for concentrate and anoda mud to business entities that had entered the commissioning stage in the construction of purification facilities.
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