Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said the transition from Joko Widodo to Prabowo Subianto would run smoothly.

Nevertheless, Luhut also believes that there will be changes in several parts.

He is optimistic that in the future Indonesia will be better than before.

This belief was after he discussed with professors from the University of Indonesia regarding the sustainability of the current government.

"From what I learned, what I am talking about in discussions with the elected president I think I see no serious problems. Everything will go well. Yes, of course there are adjustments, acceleration and maybe there will be changes," Luhut told reporters, Thursday, June 20.

Luhut believes that the Prabowo-Gibran government can make a good transition.

Moreover, Prabowo has asked for help in preparing the flagship program to be announced later.

According to him, Indonesia will have an important role in the eyes of the world with abundant natural wealth, and cannot be regulated by other countries.

"We don't need to be regulated, we are too big to leave to any power globally. I think Indonesia will progress and will become a high income country and soon, I think we will also be able to become developed countries," concluded Luhut.

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