Deputy Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Kartika Wirjoatmodjo asked the MSME products fostered by PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk (BSI) to expand its market share to the international arena.

The man who is familiarly called Tiko said this could be done through an international business matching meeting. For example, the BSI International Expo 2024 event featuring a number of MSME products.

"Through this event, BSI facilitates MSMEs to be actively involved in exploring international markets," he said at the opening of the BSI International Expo 2024, at the Jakarta Convention Center, Jakarta, Thursday, June 20.

Tiko said that in the BSI International Expo event there were dozens of countries involved. Starting from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Pakistan, England, South Korea, Qatar, Japan, Malaysia and several other countries.

"Our hope is that some scheduled business matching agendas can help BSI's MSMEs to go global through business expansion and benchmarking related to the development of halal products in friendly countries," he said.

Tino said BSI International Expo will be held regularly every year. According to him, the event will also bring together halal business people with international buyers through business matching which is held specifically during the exhibition.

Furthermore, Tiko also said that the Ministry of SOEs together with BSI is committed to continuing to encourage Indonesia to build capacity and capability to become a major player with global halal value chain producers.

"So that Indoneisa by taking advantage of the advantages of the second largest Muslim population (in the world) is able to become the center of the world's halal industry," he said.

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