JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) said that Indonesia's tuna fishery production reached 1.49 million tons in 2022 with an export value of 960 million United States (US) dollars.

In fact, Indonesia contributes 18 percent of world production.

Director of Fish Resources Management of KKP Ridwan Maulana said, Indonesia has the potential for abundant tuna fishery resources.

This is reflected in the average production of Indonesian tuna fisheries which reaches 1.49 million tons per year.

"We can say that with our sea area of 6.4 million square kilometers (km), kani has a fairly abundant tuna fishery resource. We can reflect this from the tuna production trend. Our average production is 1.49 million tons per year," said Ridwan at the Press Conference: Triggering Hulu Downstream Indonesian Tuna Fishery Business in Jakarta, Thursday, June 20.

Ridwan explained, there are several fisheries management areas (WPP) that are the main producer areas for tuna commodities, namely, Makassar Strait and Flores Sea (WPP 713), Banda Sea and its surroundings (WPP 714) and Maluku waters (WPP 715).

He added that there are at least five leading commodities from Indonesia, namely yellow-fin tuna, blue fins, large-eye tuna, albacore tuna and tuna skipjack.

These five commodities contribute to an average production of 706,400 tons per year.

Meanwhile, the total export is around 194,700 tons per year with a contribution value of 960 million US dollars in 2022.

"Well, what we export is around 194,700 tons per year and make a contribution value of 960 million US dollars. So, this is very significant and our share of production is 18 percent of world's tuna production. So, it's amazing for tuna production

Seeing this potential, said Ridwan, his party will do several things related to the management of tuna upstream.

First, implement good and responsible tuna fishing management through the implementation of measurable fishing (PIT). With this measurable capture, it can keep environmental resources good.

"Secondly, we made this fishery management plan in a document. The joint documents we agreed on and formulated with all stakeholder representatives. The point is how to manage tuna fisheries to be sustainable, we regulate how the sizes are. Then, also the fishing period and so on," he said.

Then, his party will carry out sustainable fishery management in the waters/islands.

Through strategic documents, his party will arrange starting from catch tools that do not damage the environment to good harvesting methods.

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