JAKARTA - The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) and Cooperation Contract Contractors (KKKS) have identified the type of measuring tool that can be used to support the running of the CCS/CCUS program.

This is intended to strengthen the Carbon Capture Storage/Carbon Capture Utilization Storage (CCS/CCUS) program to support the completion target of projects related to CCS/CCUS,

Furthermore, SKK Migas will set a standardization of measuring tools that will serve as a reference for KKKS which has the CCS/CCUS program.

Based on the need, the tools for measuring include the Orifice of Meters, Turbine Meters, Ultrasonic Meters, and Coriolis of Meters.

CCS/CCUS measurements have challenges in the flow meter type selection, CO2 quality measurements, and calibration facilities.

In the process, CO2 in the CCUS program is channeled through a pipe or tanker from the location of the CO2 capture to the CO2 storage location, in the high-pressure gas phase or liquid phase at cryogenic temperatures.

This type of CO2 phase will determine the type of flow meter suitable for use.

Head of the Production and Maintenance Division of the SKK Migas Facility, Bambang Prayoga, said that with the completion of the identification of the type of measuring instrument used as a CO2 measurement standard, it was a positive achievement in an effort to encourage the implementation of the CCS/CCUS Program in accordance with the set targets.

He said that the use of CO2 measuring tools in the gas phase was actually not new, because the KKKS had also started to do so, such as at the Pertamina EP Field Subang KKKS, which had sold CO2 to PT Aneka Gas Industri (AGI) using a Measure Meter since 2009.

"Based on the experience and best practice that has been carried out at Pertamina EP which has also received recognition from users, namely PT AGI, it becomes the initial reference which was then discussed by SKK Migas and KKKS which were present at the Production, Metering and Facilities Maintenance Working Meeting. Furthermore, SKK Migas will continue the standardization of the CO2 measuring instrument used by KKKS in the CCS/CCUS program," Bambang explained, Wednesday, June 19.

He added that regarding the standardization of measuring instruments, the relevant agency, namely the Directorate of Meterology.

The standardization of measuring instruments will complement the provisions issued by SKK Migas related to the specific CCS/CCUS business process support system, SKK Migas has issued PTK 070 of 2024 as a reference for Cooperation Contract Contractors (KKKS) in preparing, submitting, executing and evaluating the CCS/CCUS business process.

Furthermore, SKK Migas will coordinate with the Directorate of Metrology of the Commerce Department to follow up so that standardization can be formalized and used by KKKS who already have the CCS/CCUS program.

Meanwhile, the Head of the SKK Migas Program and Communication Division, Hudi D Suryodipuro, said that the CCS/CCUS business will be the future of the upstream oil and gas industry, because the potential for the carbon capture business in Indonesia is very promising and has received support from the Government.

"One of the major CCS/CCUS projects operated by BP Tangguh in West Papua was inaugurated by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo in November 2023. The provisions regarding the standardization of the CO2 gauge will further encourage the development of CCS/CCUS business in the future," he added.

The government and SKK Migas continue to encourage the growth of the CCS/CCUS business, because in addition to its great potential, the existence of CCS/CCUS will be offset from CO2 resulting from burning fossil fuels, so that it can place oil and gas energy sources more environmentally friendly. The use of oil and gas energy that produces emissions is reabsorbed through its management at CCS/CCUS to support the net zero emissions targets set by the Government," concluded Hudi.

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