JAYAPURA - PT PLN Main Unit for the Papua and West Papua Region projects the peak load during Eid al-Adha at 324.28 Mega Watt with a power capable of generating of 493.15 MW in Papua.General Manager of PT PLN (Persero) Papua and West Papua Regional Main Unit, Budiono said that where this condition provides power reserves of around 168.8 MW which are sufficient to meet the power needs of the community during the upcoming Eid moment. "In maintaining the reliability of electricity supply, PLN has also previously made various preparations including carrying out troop deployments, inspection of auctioners and ensuring sufficient fuel supply," Budiono said, quoted by ANTARA, Monday 17.
According to Budiono, apart from that, network sweeping and cutting branches were carried out as a measure to mitigate disturbances originating from the surrounding environment. "As another precautionary measure, we have also prepared several alternative electricity supply sources in the form of 36 mobile substations (UGB), 23 uninterruptible power supply (UPS, 9 mobile cable units (UKB)/ mobile cable and cubic units (UKB) and 60 mobile generators," he said. He explained that this was done so that electricity supply remained safe at several priority points, especially houses of worship.
"We also take mitigation measures against unwanted disturbances by maximizing the expansion management system in the command center," he said. He added that with these various preparations, it is hoped that later customers who make complaints and complaints through the PLN Mobile application, can be responded quickly if there is an electrical disturbance.
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