Member of Commission VII DPRR RI Mulyanto urged the Government to cancel the plan to distribute Special Mining Business Permits (IUPK) to religious organizations.

According to the Deputy Chairperson of the PKS Faction, this step is not right in the midst of the chaotic world of mining and is related to the competence of religious organizations. These mistakes can plunge religious organizations, as moral guards of society, into mining black worlds.

According to Mulyanto, the Government should regulate mining businesses in accordance with the constitutional mandate, so that the natural wealth controlled by the state can truly prosper people's lives, instead of distributing the former PKP2B IUPK to newcomers, namely religious organizations that specialize and mining competencies, have not yet been proven.

"It is feared that this will even escalate the condition of national mining which is already chaotic," said Mulyanto, Thursday, June 13.

Mulyanto revealed that the cases of mining with trillions of rupiah in state losses have recently been revealed.

The case of tin corruption in Babylon with fantastic state losses reaching Rp300 trillion has not been completely handled, but instead, there have been cases of gold corruption of PT Antam, which amounted to 109 tons of gold.

Mulyanto continued, while the authorities have not succeeded in resolving the illegal gold mining case in Kalimantan, which uses heavy equipment and involves 80 Chinese foreigners, some with tourist visas, suddenly a similar case appeared in Palu City, Central Sulawesi.

"Not to mention the matter of post-mining land reclamation, environmental damage, including the problem of mining waste that is thrown into rivers or seas that damage the water biota ecosystem," he explained.

Meanwhile, the number of Mining Inspectors is very limited, Mulyanto also highlighted that the integrated illegal mining task force has only become a discourse because until today the President has not signed it.

"Even though the officers are backing up, including star wars in the mining world, it is no longer a secret to the public," added Mulyanto.

Therefore, Mulyanto considered it not surprising that two former Director General of Mineral and Coal was a suspect in connection with mining disputes and that the position of Director General of Mineral and Coal had been vacant for months.

According to Mulyanto, instead of distributing IUPK to Religious Organizations, which is feared to increase the affairs of the world of national mining, he urged the Government to seriously organize national mining institutions.

"Compared with oil and gas commodities that have regulatory and supervisory institutions both upstream and downstream, namely SKK Migas and BPH Migas," concluded Mulyanto.

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