JAKARTA History today, 23 years ago, January 2, 1946, Sultan Hamengkubowono IX and Paku Alam VIII offered Yogkarta as the capital city of Indonesia. The offer was given as a form of the seriousness of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta and the Head of Pakualaman as part of Indonesia.

Previously, conditions in Jakarta after the proclamation of independence were increasingly tense. The Dutch East Indies Civil Government Force (NICA) continues to threaten the lives of high-ranking state officials. The suicide attempt on the nation's leaders continues.

The proclamation of Indonesian independence is a big event for all Indonesian people. This incident became a new marker of Indonesia's release from all forms of colonialism. The Indonesian people also welcomed it with joy, but not with the Dutch colonialists.

They still want Indonesia. They want to again squeeze people's sweat, then the profits are taken to the Windmill Country. This wish made the Dutch through the NICA flag come back to Jakarta.

They deliberately came by riding a British ally. Recently NICA troops who came to be piled up. The troops began to disturb and disrupt the peace of government from 1945.

The terror began to be launched by NICA. The Indonesian people in Jakarta began to get their sap. They are treated inhumanely. Whoever deals with NICA, his life will not be peaceful. They were beaten, their property was taken.

This condition often raises resistance. NICA also not only targets ordinary people. State officials are also targeted. NICA has attempted several attempts to kill state officials. Soekarno and Sutan Sjahrir have felt it.

At the end of December 1946, at the office on Jalan Cilacap I saw that Sjahrir's eyes were swollen and blue. When I asked if he had fallen or fought, laughing he replied that he had slipped. The truth is that the swollen and blue eyes were caused by an attempted murder by several Ambon soldiers.

At that time he was with Mr. Boediono, his best friend, in a car at the intersection of five Huize Vijfsprong (a intersection of five Cikini Raya, Menteng Raya, Teuku Umar, and Kali Pasir) and suddenly ambushed by the Ambon army. The car was stopped and a soldier who pointed his gun at Bung Sjahrir. However, when he pulled the gun, it was stuck and because of anger the soldier hit Sjahrir with his gun handle," said Rosihan Anwar in the book Mengenang Sjahrir (2013).

The problem of the security of high-ranking state officials in Jakarta is not safe to hear until Yogyakarta. Both Yogyakarta leaders, Hamengkubuwono IX and Paku Alam VIII did not want Indonesia's struggle to end soon. Those who have just become part of Indonesia are trying to offer a solution.

Both of them also sent an offer message to the Indonesian leader so that Yogyakarta would become the capital city on January 2, 1946. The offer was revealed by them sincerely. Both of them will also try to prepare everything, buildings and official houses. Then, a few days later, the nation's leader officially announced that the capital city of Indonesia had moved from Jakarta to Yogyakarta.

Due to the increasingly unsafe condition of Jakarta as the center of government of the Republic of Indonesia, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX and K.G.PA.A. Paku Alam VIII on January 2, 1946, a courier sent a letter to Sukarno containing Yogyakarta's offer as the interim capital city of the Republic of Indonesia.

The offer from the two leaders of Yogyakarta was also well received by Sukarno and high state officials In addition to the Jakarta security factor, the consideration that Sukarno and Hatta accepted the offer was because Yogyakarta had adequate facilities as the capital city of the country and this city also had a well-organized government system, "said Baha Uddin and his friends in the bookK.G.PA Paku Alam VIII(2023).

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