JAKARTA Telegram launched its first update in 2025, just at the turn of the year. The messaging platform launched new features in the main view of the app, chat room, and others.

Telegram users can leave reactions for a long time, but this feature only applies to messages in private chat rooms, groups, or channels. Now, users can leave reactions in video chat message notifications to gift delivery notifications.

In fact, when someone joins the group, other members can use the reaction feature to show their welcome. According to Telegram's explanation, reactions will also apply notifications for changes in profile photos, change in chat background, and much more.

Telegram also improves chat search features on its platform. To narrow the search results of messages, Telegram provides additional filters such as Private Chats, Group Chats, and Channels. That way, messages are easier to filter.

To improve platform security and reduce fraud mode, Telegram will support third-party verification. For verified accounts or channels of authenticity, they will get an additional verification icon on the description page.

"The official third-party service can now set additional verification icons to user accounts and chats," Telegram said on January 1, 2025. "This will help prevent fraud and reduce misinformation, with unique proactive solutions."

Next is custom emoji support for message folder naming. This feature is provided to decorate the folders the users create. They can add one or two emojis, even replacing the whole text with emojis.

Finally, the company added a code scan feature on its platform camera. If users want to join a channel or add friends using a QR code, they can immediately shift the screen to the right.

After that, direct the camera to the QR code without pressing the button in the middle of the screen. Telegram will automatically detect the QR code and display the destination link below it. When the link is taped, the account or channel will be displayed on the screen.

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