JAKARTA - Indonesian Idol 2025 has entered the live showcase phase. The participants who have passed the audition are competing fiercely to enter the competition on the main stage for this season.
A number of contestants managed to present their best action in front of the judges. One of them is Nadhya, a participant from Bangka Belitung who succeeded in making Rossa shed tears.
In this round, Nadhya sang the ballad song belonging to the band D'Masiv entitled Miss You. The difference is, he presented this song to his beloved mother.
"(Singing a song) Missing you from D'Masiv, because I really miss Mama," he said when asked before performing.
The short opening words turned out to have a huge impact on the perception of the jury hearing the song being performed. Imagine the deep longing for the mother that could be stronger than the couple.
Nadhya also managed to provide almost perfect soul in her appearance. In the middle of the song, Rossa was unable to hold back her tears.
"I really like how you interpret this song Missing you because it's not easy to sing Rian's song. I really like the technique you sing, the feelings you put there. I just miss Mama too," said Rossa.
"In my opinion, if you can still play like this, I'm really sure you will continue (ongoing), hopefully until the final," he concluded.
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