JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) through the Directorate General of New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) has built 250 units of Solar Energy General Road Lighting (PJUTS) in Cilacap Regency, Central Java Province.

This solar light is expected to support the government's efforts to encourage a reduction in CO2 emissions towards Net Zero Emission (NZE) by 2060 or sooner.

"We together with the DPR RI are committed to carrying out programs that are beneficial to the community through the use of new and renewable energy, especially solar energy for street lighting. This program is one of the government's steps in reducing greenhouse gas emissions through the use of clean energy," said Director General of EBTKE, Eniya Listiani Dewi in a statement to the media, Monday, June 10.

He revealed that PJUTS installed, including in energy efficiency equipment because the lights used in the PJUTS set component are LED lights and electrical energy used comes from solar power.

Not only that, PJUTS is very useful for local governments to save on Regional Original Revenue (PAD) expenditures originating from street lighting taxes.

"The PJUTS installation program has become very positive because in addition to saving energy, saving costs and even greater, it can support the acceleration of NZE targeted by the government. We are also very grateful if the existence of PJUTS can help smooth community activities so that it can support local economic developments," said Eniya.

Eniya hopes that the PJUTS that has been built can be maintained by the community together with the local government. If there is damage, the public is advised to submit a report so that further improvements can be carried out immediately.

"This program is also a form of our commitment so that the use of the state budget can be felt directly by the community. Until 2023, there are 23,056 PJUTS that have been built or equivalently illuminate 1,152 km of roads, spread across 31 provinces in Indonesian territory. We hope that all parties can maintain and take care of the lights that have been installed, and don't be reluctant to report damage," he concluded.

Similarly, the Chairman of Commission VII DPR RI, Sugeng Suparwoto said that the Indonesian government is encouraging the massive use of EBT to achieve the NZE target in 2060. The PJUTS installation program is a collaboration between the DPR RI and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to increase the use of energy that is environmentally friendly and beneficial to the community. Therefore, he hopes that the community can maintain PJUTS so that the benefits can be felt continuously.

On the same occasion, Assistant Regent for Community and Human Resources of Cilacap Regency, Achmad Nurlaeli expressed his appreciation for the construction of PJUTS in his area. Achmad Nurlaeli revealed that Cilacap Regency has a district road along 1,269 KM, where the road area has not yet fully obtained access to lighting.

"With this PJUTS, it is certainly very beneficial for the community, especially in mobilization at night and reducing the accident rate. We hope that the community can maintain the PJUTS lights that have been installed and immediately report to related parties if someone is damaged or dead," he said.

PJUTS given to this program has a one-year maintenance guarantee plus a two-year system guarantee since maintenance guarantee ends.

The warranty per component is a solar module with a 20-year warranty period, 5-year LED lights, 5-year battery, 5-year solar charge controller, and a 5-year system guarantee.

If there is a damage, you can report it to the repair service center (service center), the contact number is listed on the QR Code on the PJUTS lamppole and can also be made through the complaint service of the Directorate General of EBTKE.

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