JAKARTA - 2,806 hectares of land (ha) in the capital city of the archipelago (IKN) is still problematic.

Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) revealed that the IKN Authority has provided several schemes to solve the problem.

Starting from relocation, handling social impacts (PDSK) to compensation money.

"There are still 2,086 ha that are still declared not clean and clear. Yes, basically, there should be no people who are still occupying it. Then, it has not been handled properly according to the rules, it is like being hit. It can't be like that. The point is that OIKN will immediately resolve this because the replacement money for compensation for the community or there is a PDSK scheme, it's kind of spiritual money," AHY said in a media gathering at his office, Friday, June 7.

He emphasized that the compensation would later be carried out and managed by OIKN.

AHY also briefly asked about the compensation money that had not yet been submitted to the Deputy Minister of ATR/BPN as well as the Acting Deputy Head of the IKN Authority Raja Juli Antoni.

According to AHY, there are indeed some problems related to replacement money. However, he could not explain further because it was not his authority. He considered that the problem was not as complicated as people thought. It's just that, he continued, the Ministry of ATR/BPN will soon issue a certificate as long as the land is clean and clear.

"But, once again this is beyond the authority of ATR/BPN because the replacement money is managed by OIKN. Indeed, what is the problem, really, has not been carried out properly? Yes, there are certain problems, in short, just execute them well," he concluded.

Previously, the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) as well as the Acting Head of the IKN Authority emphasized that he was ready to resolve the issue of land acquisition of 2,086 ha in IKN.

"It turns out that the settlement according to the King as Deputy Minister of ATR must be with a Presidential Decree. There are two things that need to be made by the Presidential Decree. The Presidential Decree for the procurement of 2,086 ha with Social Impact Handling Plus (PDSK) Plus. If PDSK only grows. If plus can be renovated, make a house. It depends on deliberation with the community," said Basuki when met at the DPR RI Complex, Jakarta, Thursday, June 6.

"The president's direction prioritizes the interests of the community. So, I will carry out PDSK plus that. Now, the Presidential Regulation is being prepared by the King of July with the State Secretariat," he continued.

Regarding the relocation issue, he will cooperate with the local regional head.

Basuki is optimistic that he will be able to handle this based on previous experience.

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