JAKARTA - Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) said that his ministry has 21 packages to complete land acquisition in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN).

AHY said that 12 land acquisition packages had been completed until June 2024. Meanwhile, there are 9 other packages that are still on going.

"The Ministry of ATR/BPN has actually carried out land acquisition. There are 21 packages and in the last weeks there have been several procurement packages that have been completed. Meanwhile, there are 9 packages still on going," AHY said in a media gathering at his office, Friday, June 7.

"(The land acquisition package) is for phase 1 infrastructure, drinking water management system (SPAM). Then, there is a shortcut road in the Sepaku market and finally the toll road access to IKN," he continued.

He admitted that he had visited IKN directly at the beginning of his position as Minister of ATR/BPN.

According to him, the obstacle in the development of IKN is that there is still land occupied by the community.

"I myself in the first week visited IKN directly, seeing what were the obstacles in the field. And it turns out that from a number of lands there is still community occupation at a number of points," he said.

According to AHY, the principle of his ministry is to accelerate the issue of land in IKN.

However, he said, the Ministry of ATR/BPN did not want to carry out arbitrary community evictions.

"We want the principle, the spirit is to accelerate infrastructure development in IKN. But also not on behalf of acceleration, we displacing the community without being given more certainty and hope. That should not happen because this is also the direction of the President (Jokowi), no community should be victims of the development that will be carried out," he said.

AHY said that currently the problem of land acquisition at IKN is no longer crucial. It's just that, he continued, it's just a matter of waiting for the execution.

"So, (land acquisition) is no longer a very complicated problem, but it remains only to be executed on target. So that if necessary reform, compensation and handling of the Community Social Impact (PDSK) are carried out humanely," he added.

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