JAKARTA - PT Surveyor Indonesia holds the active Panen Raya Kopi and Inauguration of Pupuk Warehouse together in Srikandi Village, Wanasuka, Pangalengan. In addition, laptop assistance was also distributed as part of the Mobile Computer Lab program for students at SDN Srikandi 01. The activity was attended directly by the Director of Finance and Risk Management of PT Surveyor Indonesia, Wahyu Witjaksono.

This series of activities is part of the Surveyor Indonesia Peduli initiative, as a commitment from the company to continue to be present among the community and support the improvement of Sustainable Development Goals (TPB/SDGs), in this case, are Quality Education, Consumption and Responsibility Production, Cities and Sustainable Settlements, Mainland Ecosystems, and Partnerships to Achieve Goals.

In this activity, the Director of Finance and Risk Management of PT Surveyor Indonesia, Wahyu Witjaksono, immediately participated in the harvest of robusta coffee beans which were the result of planting local farmers, then together with the Indonesian Farmers School, participated in inaugurating the Fertilizer Warehouse made from soil worm compost.

Surveyor Indonesia has also collaborated with local heroes to regularly hold mobile Computer Labs, and in conjunction with major harvest activities, a computer teaching and providing assistance of 10 laptop units for SDN Srikandi 01 which is still close to the harvest location.

Wahyu Witjaksono conveyed Surveyor Indonesia's commitment to safeguarding and strengthening commitments and efforts to encourage community growth in various aspects of sustainable development.

"We want to continue to be present among our fellow farmers, the nation's successors, MSME players, local heroes and all those in the sustainability ecosystem, so as to maintain and strengthen our commitments, as well as our efforts and initiatives to encourage community growth in the aspect of sustainable development, including education, food, and sustainable commodity management," he explained.

"The thing we are doing today is not the provision of mutual assistance once or twice, but part of continuous efforts to educate, develop, and support the growth of sustainable communities such as the Tani School, which have been running for several years," Wahyu explained.

"We have also carried out this kind of activity routinely both in a corporate manner, as well as in the scope of the Survey Services BUMN Holding, IDSurvey with PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero) and PT SUCOFINDO," he concluded.

Surveyors Indonesia continues to strive to increase its role in building a populist economy. That way, in addition to helping to improve people's welfare directly, as well as as a stimulus in national economic growth. Now, coffee farmers in Wanasuka have succeeded in increasing productivity and efficiency from business processes and harvests. As a result, their reach has increased and their family's welfare is maintained.

"Thank you to Surveyor Indonesia for your cooperation in building the economy of the people of Wanasuka Village. In the future, there are many other things that still need to be synergized to continue to improve the welfare of farmers," said the Founder of the Indonesian Farmers School, Fatoni Saputra.

Furthermore, Surveyor Indonesia together with the Indonesian Farmers School focus on improving the quality of the process and coffee products. That way, in the future the produced coffee can meet the quality standards needed by the market, both domestically and abroad, starting from the harvest process, drying to the product packaging process.

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