JAKARTA - The Thai Securities and Exchange Commission (Thai SEC) has approved the launch of the country's first Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) by One Asset Management (ONEAM). This approval marks an important achievement for the crypto industry and investments in Thailand as well as provides new opportunities for investors in Thailand to expand their portfolio to digital assets.

Thailand's first Bitcoin ETF approval reflects a global trend that increasingly accepts investment in cryptocurrencies. With the increasing number of regulatory approvals and adoption by institutions, crypto is increasingly considered a valid investment option to gain exposure to digital assets.

Oscar Darmawan, CEO of INDODAX, gave his response to this development.

The Bitcoin ETF approval in Thailand is a significant step for the crypto industry in Southeast Asia. This shows that regulators are starting to understand and support digital assets as an integral part of the global financial ecosystem. For Indonesian investors, this can be an example of how the regulatory framework can develop to support innovation in the financial sector," said Oscar, in his statement, Friday, June 7.

Oscar also sees opportunities for regional cooperation in terms of technology regulation and innovation.

Thailand telah membuka jalan dengan menyetujui ETF Bitcoin, dan saya berharap negara-negara di Asia Tenggara lainnya, termasuk Indonesia, dapat mengikuti jejak ini. Kolaborasi regional bisa memperkuat posisi Asia Tenggara sebagai hub utama untuk teknologi blockchain dan aset digital, jelasnya.

At the end of his response, Oscar invited stakeholders in Indonesia to continue to dialogue and work together in developing a more inclusive and secure crypto ecosystem.

We need to create an ecosystem that supports innovation and protects investors. In Indonesia itself there is something similar to ETF, namely mutual funds. Hopefully in the future in Indonesia there will also be Bitcoin mutual funds. INDODAX is ready to be part of this solution by continuing to facilitate the growth of the crypto industry in Indonesia," he said.

Oscar also said that markets are maturing with the newly approved ETF Bitcoin and ETF Ethereum in several countries, which demonstrate the stability and maturity of the crypto market today. This reflects that crypto investment is now safer and more secure for investors, especially with stronger regulatory support.

For those who want to start being traders or investors, INDODAX also supports education and literacy as an initiative to strengthen public understanding of crypto asset investment through the INDODAX Academy which can be accessed for free.

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