SERANG - Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan (Zulhas) is addicted to staying at the Ministerial Office (RTJM) of the Capital Archipelago (IKN), East Kalimantan.

He said that if President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) moved there, he would also participate.

Previously, the man who is familiarly called Zulhas participated in accompanying President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to groundbreaking the development of a number of infrastructures in the State Capital (IKN), East Kalimantan, Wednesday, June 5.

Together with Jokowi and other ministers, Zulhas stayed at the ministerial official residence.

"If the President goes there, I will go there too, stay too," he told reporters in Serang, Banten, Thursday, June 6.

Zulhas said the ministerial official residence in IKN was fairly good. He also praised the IKN environment which is still beautiful, even free from pollution.

"The house is good. It can make you run, healthy and air. Still natural, fresh," he said.

In fact, he estimates, when the IKN construction is completed, it will be similar to in Washington DC, United States.

"Not all of them are. But I think if it becomes like Wangsinton DC. Be proud of Indonesians," he said.

Regarding the development of IKN, Zulhas said, the construction of the new nation's capital was indeed needed considering that the island of Java was already very congested.

Moreover, he continued, the pollution level in Jakarta has reached 200, far from Singapore, which is only 36.

"Imagine Jakarta is almost 200 pollution, that's how 200 is, so if you run directly ISPA. Singapore 36, we are 200 more. Java, 60 percent in Java. This is if the ship is short, right. Singapore is 36 measures of pollution, here (Jakarta) 200. Especially later Bekasi will add more, right. So this is indeed necessary," he said.

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