JAKARTA - The People's Housing Savings Management Agency (BP Tapera) stated that it had returned Tapera funds to 956,799 civil servants (PNS) who had retired or their heirs worth Rp4.2 trillion.
This was conveyed by BP Tapera in response to reports in the media regarding the findings of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) in 2021 which stated that there were 124,960 retired civil servants who had not received a return of Tapera funds of Rp567.5 billion.
BP Tapera Commissioner Heru Pudyo Nugroho stated that all the findings had been followed up according to BPK's recommendation and reported to BPK and declared complete by BPK.
"According to Law No.4/2016, BP Tapera is committed to returning Public Housing Savings (the savings group and the results of the camp) to participants no later than 3 months after ending their membership," Heru said quoting Antara.
The return of Tapera funds to participants or their heirs is carried out through a custodian bank to the participant's account.
The Public Housing Savings Management Agency (BP Tapera) claims to have reversed housing savings to 956,799 retired civil servants or their heirs worth Rp4.2 trillion.
The statement also answered the results of BPK's findings where as many as 124,960 retirees had not received a tapera refund of IDR 567.5 billion.
BP Tapera Commissioner, Heru Pudyo Nugroho said that all findings had been followed up according to BPK's recommendation and reported to BPK and have been declared complete by BPK.
In accordance with Law Number 4 of 2016, he continued, BP Tapera is committed to returning Public Housing Savings or savings principals and the results of the camp to participants no later than three months after ending their participation.
"Since BP Tapera operates until 2024, BP Tapera has returned Public Housing Savings to 956,799 retired civil servants or their heirs worth Rp4.2 trillion," he said in an official statement, Tuesday, June 4.
Heru also said that the return of Public Housing Savings (Tapera) to participants or their heirs was carried out through Kustodian Bank to participant accounts.
"The challenge in the process of returning savings is that participants and employers have not made data updating," he said.
To improve service quality, continued Heru, BP Tapera continues to improve the system and governance, including NIK which is integrated with Dukcapil, NIP which is integrated with BKN, Validating account numbers that are integrated with banks.
In addition, he said, BP Tapera continues to actively carry out socialization, including through social media channels, educating and encouraging employers and participants to update data.
For this reason, Heru appealed to all Tapera Participants to obtain data through the Participant Portal. To the heirs who have not received the return of the savings, they can immediately contact the official BP Tapera information channel, so that the Return of Housing Savings can be done on time.
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