Dumai - President Joko Widodo conducted a review of the prices of basic commodities at Senggol Dumai Market, Riau, Saturday, June 1, on the sidelines of a working visit to the province. This visit aims to ensure price stability and availability of basic necessities for the community.

"The prices here are good and stable, no one jumped strangely," said President Jokowi in a statement in Riau.

President Jokowi also ensured that the national rice stock in Bulog's warehouse was more than the usual average. He revealed that usually the national Bulog stock ranges from 900 thousand to 1.2 million tons, but currently the stock has reached 1.8 million tons and is spread throughout Bulog's warehouses in each city and province.

"As of today, the stock in Bulog is 1.8 million tons. It is distributed in all Bulog warehouses in each city and province," he explained.

The President mentioned the Highest Retail Price (HET) of rice which is difficult to fall even though the production of the main harvest has increased. According to him, the cost of farmers for land rental, fertilizers, seeds, and labor has all increased, so people must understand that farmers also need to make profits.

"The cost of farmers to rent land, fertilizer, seeds, labor, everything goes up. So the community must understand that farmers must also benefit," said President Jokowi.

The Head of State emphasized the importance of finding a balance of prices that not only benefits farmers but is also affordable for the community. "Looking for such a balance is not easy. People are happy, farmers are happy," he said.

During his visit to the Senggol Dumai Market, President Jokowi was accompanied by Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian, Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Basuki Hadimuljono, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Erick Thohir, Head of the National Food Agency Arief Prasetyo Adi, Acting Governor of Riau SF Hariyanto, and Mayor of Dumai Paisal.

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