JAKARTA - Commissioner of the Public Housing Savings Management Agency (BP Tapera) Heru Pudyo Nugroho emphasized that not all workers in Indonesia are required to be Tapera participants.

According to him, in Law (UU) 4 of 2016 it was explained that only workers with salaries above the minimum wage were included in the Tapera participants.

"Seeing the substance of Law 4/2016, it must be understood that not all workers are required to be Tapera participants, only those whose income is above the minimum wage. Below the minimum, they are not required to be Tapera participants," he said at the Presidential Staff Office, Jakarta, Friday, May 31.

By becoming a Tapera participant, he continued, a worker will be required to pay a mandatory fee of 3 percent of his total salary every month.

In detail, 2.5 percent is paid by workers, the remaining 0.5 percent will be paid by the company.

Meanwhile, for independent worker participants such as freelancers are borne by themselves.

Therefore, Heru explained, if there are people with salaries above the minimum wage, they are required to make contributions, while those whose salaries are below the minimum wage are not mandatory.

Heru said that the existence of Tapera contributions could reduce the problem of housing backlogs in Indonesia. Because, there are still 9.95 million families who do not have a house.

"The gap in house ownership in Indonesia is still very high at 9.95 million people or families do not own houses. Meanwhile, the government's capabilities with various subsidies and financing facilities provide approximately 250,000 houses," he said.

According to Heru, if you only rely on the government, it is certainly not enough to solve the housing backlog problem.

So it is necessary to involve the community in overcoming this problem

"That's why it takes a grand design to involve the community together with the government, together with the government and the concept is not contributions but save the concept," he said.

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