JAKARTA - The Pertamina Balikpapan refinery that caught fire was reported to have been extinguished. The fire had risen high since dawn.

Corporate Secretary of PT Refinery Pertamina Internasional (KPI) Hermansyah Y Nasroen confirmed the fire. He confirmed that the fire had been extinguished.

"It's been extinguished, Alhamdulillah," he said via text message to VOI, Saturday, May 25 at 07.05 WIB.

Previously, the fire was reported to have occurred at Refinery Unit V of the Pertamina Refinery Balikpapan on Saturday, May 25. A number of videos show the magnitude of the fire.

"At 04.30 the fire had grown bigger, I was surprised that there was a big fire," said Irma, a resident of Jalan Arjuna Balikpapan Barat.

A fire broke out at the Pertamina Balikpapan Refinery, on Jalan Yos Sudarso, West Balikpapan, East Kalimantan.

Information quoted through Balikpapan disaster volunteers, the incident began at around 05.06 WITA.

In the video presented by the volunteers, it appears that the "red rooster" scorched one part of the KPI.

The road access to the location was closed by officers when a number of journalists in the City of Oil would cover the fire incident. Road closures ranging from Yos Sudarso Street, to the Panorama area.

At each intersection to the area, there are security officers from the Balikpapan Pertamina Refinery with the police.

Congestion also occurs, especially on the road to the West Balikpapan area.

Even though it rained heavily in the refinery area, the fire was still burning, even black smoke was visible from up to tens of kilometers.

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