JAKARTA - The government's intention to open a tap for importing one million tons of rice has been protested by various groups. Moreover, the plan will be carried out in conjunction with the main harvest period.

In addition to denying the work of farmers by dropping unhulled rice prices, the accumulation of rice stocks in Bulog's warehouses without being accompanied by good governance will actually reduce the quality of rice. This clearly caused losses to the state.

The import plan also raises questions for the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan), which does not insist on protecting farmers' production. Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Seed Banks and Farmers Technology (AB2TI), Dwi Andreas, emphasized that currently there is no reason for the government to import.

"The (government's) reason for maintaining stock, but that cannot be used as an excuse," Dwi said when contacted by reporters, Thursday, March 10.

He provided data that currently domestic rice production is in a safe position. This can be seen from the anomaly in the price of harvested dry unhulled rice at the farmer level. Where there has been a decline since October 2020.

"The continuing decline in the price of dry unhulled rice at the farm level indicates that the rice stock is very adequate, because usually since the end of the year it has increased. But this is why it has decreased, meaning that the national rice stock is sufficient," he explained.

What Bulog has to do, said Andreas, is to increase the absorption capacity of domestic farmers, not ask for additional rice stocks from abroad.

"As for the stock, why don't we take it from farmers. Bulog only absorbs 1.4 million tons from farmers, even though it should be able to absorb up to 2.5 million tons of grain and rice. Why only 1.4 million tons?" said the Head of the Biotech Center of IPB University.

Ask the Ministry of Agriculture

A member of the DPR from the Golkar Party faction, Firman Subagyo, stated that from the beginning his party had asked Bulog to be open about the national rice reserves. This is a form of transparency so that there is no import policy, when the national stock is still sufficient.

"Imports are carried out when the reserves are insufficient, then it is also not carried out when it is during the harvest season. That is the guideline in the law," he said.

His side views that the import plan is due to lack of good coordination within the government. Especially the Ministry of Agriculture as the party responsible for national food production.

"Well, if that is enough, then what is this import policy for and who? Provides a gap for importers, and importers flirt with the relevant ministries," he said.

Therefore he asked Bulog to disclose data related to rice availability.

Member of Commission IV from the PKS Faction, Andi Akmal Pasludin, emphasized that the rice import plan is very contrary to the spirit of President Joko Widodo who has called for hating foreign products. After all, he said, currently there is no area that is experiencing harvest failure.

"If it can be produced domestically, why not empower it. Unless there is no product," he said.

He reminded the government mistakes made several years ago, related to rice management. Namely as much as two million rice rot in Bulog's warehouse, in 2018.

"Don't let us buy it for only six months. We buy rice that is about to expire. This nation hates foreign products, but we let our farmers get low prices due to imports," said Andi.

He said that in the future, in a joint meeting with the Ministry of Agriculture, his party would explore the matter of domestic rice production.

"If there are items, why don't they make a sound. This is a pity for our farmers," he said.

Meanwhile, Executive Director of the Center for Budget Analysis (CBA) Uchok Sky Khadafi said the plan to import one million tons of rice for government and Bulog reserves indicates that the government is not confident in domestic supplies.

Enough for the next three months

According to Uchok, referring to the increased production volume in 2020, the rice harvested by farmers, which is coming soon, will still be sufficient for the next three months. Instead, said Uchok, Bulog should be empowered to optimally absorb rice from farmers.

"Maybe, because the market knows that Bulog is in need of filling up its warehouse, the price of rice can be expensive. Well, if imports do not use government money, the importers' money. But the advantage is the importers," he said.

Uchok argues that the national rice policy is to maintain rice supplies for urban communities. As a staple food that people must buy, if rice is scarce, it is feared that the running of the government will be disrupted.

"Well, this could be the reason for the import mafia to encourage the government to import rice," he said.

Regarding rice stocks, Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo is of the opinion that domestic food stocks are quite good.

The food stock in the midst of a pandemic, according to data from our BPS, is sufficient. We are entering the big harvest moments, "he said during a visit to Dibal Village, Ngemplak District, Boyolali, Friday, March 5.

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