JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) consistently voiced the acceleration of the energy transition as part of the international agenda. One of the points that is encouraged is the expansion and equality of access to clean and affordable energy.

Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Dadan Kusdiana representing the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources conveyed that the urgency of accelerating energy transitions must ensure fair and equitable accessibility increases.

"The transition of fair energy is not only about the adoption of new technology, green jobs, and energy subsidies. But it also concerns the inclusivity of access to electricity and clean cooking," he said, citing a written statement.

Dadan emphasized that the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency must be implemented immediately in order to accelerate the energy transition process. "I believe that the transition to clean energy is fair to empower the community, increase competitiveness, and support long-term economic growth," added Dadan.

Strategic Efforts

The Indonesian government itself strengthens its strong commitment to accelerating the clean energy transition by launching a series of innovative programs that favor the interests of the community. Through collaborative efforts, the government encourages induction stove programs. "With conversion to induction stoves, we not only reduce cooking costs, but also increase energy efficiency in households by 40%," said Dadan.

Meanwhile, in the industrial and commercial sectors, the main focus is on energy management and household efficiency. "These programs are expected to reduce energy consumption by up to 20% and provide great benefits to the industrial and commercial sectors," he added.

In the transportation sector, the government designed a program to convert fuel-based vehicles to electric motors. "We hope to save up to 50% of fuel costs and reduce vehicle maintenance costs," explained Dadan. In order to support the acceleration of the implementation of electric vehicle programs, the government even provides incentives, infrastructure, and ecosystem development.

Not only does Indonesia bring changes to household and industrial levels, Indonesia also embraces business opportunities in transitioning from fossil economies. "By utilizing former mining land as a productive location for renewable energy, as well as cultivating mangroves as an effort to mitigate climate change, Indonesia not only contributes to reducing emissions, but also opens up new opportunities in the carbon market," explained Dadan.

Collaboration Becomes A Pillow

Facing the challenges of achieving these targets, international collaboration is the main key in accelerating the global energy transition to a greener and more sustainable future. The importance of cross-border cooperation in achieving common goals has been a major focus on the CEM and MI agendas.

"Indonesia and Australia play an important role as hosts in holding this meeting in preparation for a larger ministerial meeting in order to accelerate the clean energy transition," Dadan explained.

Dadan revealed the importance of improving existing platforms and mechanisms, encouraging investment, especially for capacity development in developing countries, and ensuring an inclusive sustainable energy architecture at the global level.

The meeting between CEM and MI, continued Dadan, is the starting point of a new era in the clean energy transition by involving all levels of society and across countries. "Martnership is an important pillar in the energy transition. There is no transition without international cooperation and interconnection. There is no security without interconnectivity. There is no success without universal energy access," said Dadan.

In line with Dadan, Director General of New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Eniya Listiani Dewi, revealed Indonesia's active role in the global clean energy forum, especially CEM. "We have actively participated in the workflow and CEM activities. For example, in encouraging the application of energy efficiency in the industrial world through the Energy Management Leadership Award which has been successfully achieved by Indonesia for the last 5 years," he said.

Eniya believes that CEM is the right platform for Indonesia to further strengthen Indonesia's energy transition efforts towards NZE by 2060 or even sooner. He hopes that CEM will be able to become a discussion space and identify relevant views to attract investment. "The CEM and MI Forum will create a platform for ministers to meet with financial institutions and multilateral banks to encourage more ambitious clean energy projects," he concluded.

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