JAKARTA - Spending the new year's holiday in Japan, Fuji Utami is praised for being beautiful with her hairstyle.

How not, while in Japan fuji decorates his hair with a double half-ponytail style. This hairstyle is considered the most suitable for his long hair.

In this portrait, Fuji is seen wearing a white turtleneck with a knitted sweater and rippled jeans. His hair was tied up by a double half-ponnytail which made his appearance neat.

The same hairstyle as long bangs is again applied the next day. This time he wore a gray hoodie and puff jacket.

During a vacation in Japan, Fuji appeared to be wearing thin makeup. Just eyelash extension and coral lipstick made his face shine.

Even though it's simple, Fuji Utami looks more fashionable with a long coat and a scarf from the brand Burberry.

This look is similar to local residents with double half pontytail and daily makeup look that is flexible.

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