JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) targets that the construction of the duplication of the Balang Island bridge in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) will be completed this year.

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said the construction of the duplication of the short-span Balang Island bridge is important to complete the long-term Balang Island bridge.

"At the same time connecting the long span Balang Island bridge whose construction has been completed," said Basuki in a written statement, Monday, May 13.

In detail, the duplication bridge for the short span of Balang Island is about 500 meters (m) from the long span bridge on Balang Island which was completed in 2021.

The construction of the duplication of the short-span Balang Island bridge has been carried out since January 2024 side by side with the old 512 m bridge.

Technically, the duplication bridge for the short span of Balang Island has 4 pillars in the sea zone and 4 pillars in the land zone.

It is known that the construction of this bridge was carried out by the implementing contractor PT Adhi Karya-Duta-Jakon (KSO) with a State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) of Rp471 billion.

"Currently, the physical progress of the work has reached 74 percent with a calendar time of 570 calendar days," he said.

Later, the Balang Island bridge will be connected to the IKN Access Toll Road Section 5A Simpang Tempadung-Bridge Bridge, Balang Island, along the 6.7 km, whose construction progress has now reached 82 percent.

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