JAKARTA - The management of refinery security managed by PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) has received recognition in accordance with applicable standards. One of the security standards that are the reference for KPI is security based on the Regulation of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) Number 3 of 2020.

As a form of compliance, KPI has received a Security Minimum Standard Implementation Certificate Based on BNPT Regulation Number 3 of 2020 (30/4).

"All refineries managed by KPI have followed the security system audit based on BNPT Regulation Standard Number 3 of 2020. The results are very encouraging because all of them receive level 1 security certification," said KPI Corporate Secretary Hermansyah Y Nasroen in his statement, Wednesday, May 1.

BNPT Regulation Number 3 of 2020 contains minimum security standards and security criteria and parameters in the context of preventing criminal acts of terrorism. In accordance with these regulations, BNPT has carried out socialization, assessments, audits of the implementation of security systems, identification of potential or impacts of criminal acts of terrorism and Coordination of the Results of Assessment Activities and Audit of the Implementation of Minimum Security Standards.

BNPT classifies security certification to 3 levels, namely level 1, level 2 and level 3. Certification of level 1 security system is the highest level.

"Security is very important for refinery operations. We must ensure that the refinery can avoid all kinds of disturbances, including the threat of terrorist acts," explained Hermansyah.

The same thing was conveyed by the President Director of KPI, Taufik Aditiyawarman. Taufik said that the cooperation in assessments and audits aims to secure potential threats of terrorism in national vital objects.

"This assessment and audit is a very good program. KPI also continues to make improvements. Last year I saw a gap in the refinery security system. And of course I took the initiative to conduct a base line assessment and audit. This is so that the risks can be mitigated so that the gap will be less," explained Taufik.

Taufik said that to continue to be done is to manage the level of risk to be carried out continuously and continuously.

"Hopefully there will be less and less risks of the impact of terrorism, especially if very dangerous radicalism occurs in Ovitnas, especially refineries that include one of the obvitnas and are strategic," explained Taufik.

Taufik conveyed that the success of KPI's achievement could certainly be achieved because of the support from stakeholders.

"In the future, the follow-up to the gap that has been assessed and audited. KPI will also continue to maintain this collaboration with BNPT and related parties," said Taufik.

Meanwhile, Deputy for Prevention, Protection and Deradicalization of BNPT, Major General TNI Roedy Widodo explained that BNPT has been trying its best in order to raise awareness and cooperation in facing challenges and threats related to criminal acts of terrorism to all lines, including strategic vital objects.

According to him, a vital strategic object is one of the targets of terrorism attacks because it has a broad impact on the lives of many people, political stability, economy, and state resilience.

"If we look at the trend of terrorism attacks at global and regional levels, not only targeting humans or public facilities, but also making vital strategic objects one of the targets of attacks. This is because strategic vital objects have a broad impact on the lives of many people, political stability, economy, and state resilience," said Roedy.

Through the certificate delivery activity, Roedy hopes that BNPT and the manager of strategic vital objects can continue to improve their cooperation and quality in preventing criminal acts of terrorism.

"We hope that the collaboration between BNPT and the manager of strategic vital objects can continue to improve its quality in the future," concluded Roedy.

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