JAKARTA - Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KP) Sakti Wahyu Trenggono said that the implementation of the measured fishing trial (PIT) officially began in zone III of PIT, precisely in the Government Fisheries Management Area of the Republic of Indonesia (WPPNRI) 718, today.

This was revealed by Minister Trenggono at a press conference at the Indonesia Aquaculture Business Forum 2024 at the Raffles Hotel, Jakarta, Monday, April 29.

"It started today, yes. It was an official signature," said Trenggono.

Trenggono added that the trial will be carried out for three months at WPPNRI 718 which includes the waters of the Aru Sea, Arafuru Sea and the eastern Timor Sea. However, if in three months it is deemed unsuccessful, the duration will be extended to six months.

"I ask the Acting Director General of Capture Fisheries KKP Haeru Rahayu in the next three months that one location can be successful properly. If it can't work well in three months, six months. Well, a maximum of six months already," he said.

After the trial of the implementation of PIT, said Trenggono, the government will evaluate it before it is carried out in general in various locations for the management of other regions of the Republic of Indonesia (WPPNRI).

He said the fish caught in early July 2024 in zone III of the PIT would be exported.

Even so, Trenggono has not been able to reveal further the export destination country in question.

"In the next six months, if it can be successful, it remains only to be replicated properly. In early July the first export," he added.

For your information, there are five blue economy programs that have been launched by the KKP, including expansion of marine conservation areas, implementation of measurable fishing policies (PIT), sustainable development of power farming on coastal, land and sea, supervision and control of coastal utilization and small islands as well as handling plastic waste in the sea through the fishermen's participation movement.

The implementation of these five blue economy programs is to ensure ecological sustainability while at the same time encouraging economic growth in the community and increasing state income.

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