JAKARTA - Efforts to encourage sugar productivity need to have collective support from various parties, one of which is from the buffer village community around sugarcane plantations and sugar factories. Empowerment and participation of buffer villagers is the key to the availability of raw materials and human resources in cultivation and sugar production activities.

This was conveyed by the President Director of ID FOOD Frans Marganda Tambunan, after carrying out the distribution of assistance for the Penyangga Village Public Facilities and the Tebu Partnership Dialogue, Saturday, April 27, in Indramayu, West Java. According to him, to maintain good cooperation between the company and the buffer village community, it is necessary to carry out various programs, such as sugarcane cultivation partnerships and social and environmental responsibility activities.

ID FOOD is committed to always together with communities around plantations and sugar factories. We will continue to develop sugarcane farmer partnerships with BUMDes (Village-Owned Enterprises Agency) in buffer villages through sugarcane cultivation cooperation on the HGU PT PG Rajawali II land in Jati Tujuh," he said.

Frans said the buffer village sugarcane cultivation partnership program aims to support the development of the welfare of the surrounding community and the improvement of the village economy. In addition, the program can also increase the supply of sugarcane raw materials, thus contributing positively to sugar productivity.

"To intensify the partnership program, this week I together with the Directors of ID FOOD and PT PG Rajawali II immediately met and had a dialogue with partner farmers who are members of BUMDes and farmer groups in Loyang and Amis Villages, Indramayu. In order to hear input and complaints, so that they can directly map the problem and formulate solutions," he said.

Meanwhile, President Director of PT PG Rajawali II Ardian Wijanarko said, in addition to improving the buffer village sugarcane partnership program, efforts to build a solid collaboration between PT PG Rajawali II and the buffer village were also carried out through the Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) program.

"After the dialogue, we convey, in addition to preparing various solutions to strengthen the partnership, we also convey that we are ready to support social development and the environment in the buffer village. One of them, on this occasion we distributed assistance for the construction of village public facilities such as schools/madrasah and others," he explained, who was also present at the dialogue.

Ardian said that in this early stage, the distribution was carried out by handing over assistance to two villages, namely Loyang Village and Amis Village, in Cikedung District, Indramayu.

"Aid is handed over directly to the Village Head. Subsequently, aid will be distributed in several other villages. This is a form of the company's commitment to supporting development in buffer villages around gardens and factories," he explained.

Furthermore, Ardian said, in the future, cooperation in the construction of public facilities will continue to be developed.

"Through the communication and coordination carried out by the company and the surrounding community, it is hoped that the company can obtain various inputs to maintain business sustainability while providing benefits for the buffer village," he explained.

"We hope that good relations between the buffer village community and PT PG Rajawali II units of PG Jati Tujuh will be maintained, so that various collaborations for improving community welfare and the company's progress can continue to be carried out," he concluded.

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