JAKARTA - Indonesia Financial Group (IFG), BUMN Holding Insurance, Guarantee, and Investment are committed to supporting the implementation of Public Information Disclosure (KIP) in a sustainable manner in the context of implementing Good Corporate Governance (GCG) as a state-owned company engaged in the insurance, guarantee and investment industry.

This commitment was confirmed through the signing of a Public Information Disclosure Commitment document for State-Owned Enterprises in the Public Information Disclosure Education Forum ceremonial, which was signed by the company's secretary representatives from six SOEs, including IFG, in Jakarta, on Tuesday, April 23.

In signing the document, the IFG Corporate Secretary Oktarina Dwidya Sistha and Corporate Secretary from Indonesia Re, Perum Bulog, PT Danareksa (Persero), PT ASABRI (Persero), and MIND ID were also witnessed by Assistant Deputy for Insurance Services and Pension Fund of the Ministry of SOEs Hendrika Nora Osloi Sinaga, Commissioner of the Central Information Commission Samrohunnajah Ismail and IFG President Director Hexana Tri Sasongko.

As is known, the implementation of public information disclosure by IFG and five other SOEs is in line with the direction of SOE Minister Erick Thohir who emphasized that the transparency culture needs to be strengthened by SOEs so that the implementation of GCG in the principle of information disclosure can help the government and society in making the best decisions.

This KIP implementation has a very significant role in continued and inclusive development. So that this Public Information Disclosure Education Forum can increase supervision and avoid abuse of authority which has an impact on growing public trust in companies, especially SOEs, "explained Assistant Deputy for Insurance Services and Pension Funds of the Ministry of SOEs Hendrika Nora Osloi Sinaga.

Meanwhile, on the same occasion, IFG President Director Hexana Tri Sasongko emphasized, as a BUMN, IFG is committed to providing information disclosure as evidence of the implementation of company governance and accountability. This is done so that all parties obtain the same information according to the Regulation of the Indonesian Information Commission Number 1 of 2021 concerning the Standards of Public Information Services.

"IFG really appreciates the implementation of this public information disclosure educational forum activity. This is in line with the direction from the Ministry of SOEs, where IFG as a public agency needs to carry out corporate management in a transparent and governance manner as a keynote for accountability and services to the public," said Hexana.

Samrohtunnajah in his speech said, Law No. 14 of 2008 concerning Public Information Disclosure is a great mandate and responsibility shared as a commitment of every Indonesian person and public body in strengthening the joints of a democratic country. Commitment to information disclosure or product transparency is also an effort to provide certainty and maintain public trust and all customers.

"Information access that is open to the public is one of the important prerequisites for the Public Agency to realize the ideals of state administration and good governance. This can support Indonesia's economic growth as well as have an impact on improving the welfare of the Indonesian people," he said.

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