The Illegal Financial Activity Eradication Task Force (Satgas PASTI) has blocked 585 illegal online loans (pinjol) and personal loans (pinpri) during the February-March 2024 period.
The PASTI Task Force found 537 illegal lending entities on a number of websites and applications, 48 Pinpri offering content, and 17 entities that supervise illegal investment/financial activities that have the potential to harm the public.
"Regarding these findings, after coordinating between members, the PASTI Task Force has blocked applications and related information in coordination with law enforcement officials to follow up in accordance with applicable regulations," said the Secretariat of the PATTI Task Force Hudiyanto in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Thursday 18 April.
The PASTI Task Force also reported cumulatively that from 2017 to March 2024, the Task Force had suspended 9,062 illegal financial entities consisting of 1,235 illegal investment entities, 7,576 illegal/principal lending entities, and 251 illegal pawning entities.
For this reason, Hudiyanto reminded the public to always be careful, vigilant, and not use illegal or pinpri loans because they have the potential to harm the community, including the risk of misuse of personal data from borrowers.
Furthermore, he said, in the January-February 2024 period, the DEFINITE Task Force had blocked 195 contact numbers from collectors who were reported to have threatened, intimidated or other actions that were contrary to the provisions.
"The blocking will continue to be carried out in coordination with the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology to suppress the illegal online loan ecosystem which is still troubling the public," he said.
Hudiyanto explained that currently the public needs to be aware of digital crimes with the mode of impersonation.
In early 2024, the PASTI Task Force had received a number of reports from entities that had permits (illegal) related to fraud committed by individuals using the mode of imitating or duplicating the name of the site and social media belonging to the licensed entity with the aim of deceiving the public (imperfection).
The Task Force noted that more than 100 sites and social media were reported and then followed up with a blocking application to the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo).
The public is also asked to be aware of illegal investment offers through the mode of impersonation on Telegram's social media channels.
Hudiyanto assessed that eradicating illegal financial activities really requires support and participation from the community, including caution and vigilance in accepting offers from irresponsible parties.
Therefore, the public needs to always pay attention to two important aspects, namely legal and logical (2L).
"Legal means ensuring that the products or services offered already have the right business license from the supervising authorities/institutions. Logis means always paying attention to the results or benefits offered, whether logical or not," explained Hudiyanto.
People who find information or offers of investment and loans that are suspicious or suspected of being illegal or lure high yields (illogical) to report them to OJK contacts with telephone numbers 157, WA (081157157157), email: consumer or email: [email protected].
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