JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) rehabilitated 147 uninhabitable houses (RTLH) in Jayapura City which received the Self-Help Housing Stimulant Assistance Program (BSPS).

This activity is part of last year's BSPS Program which was carried out in four sub-districts and spread across 10 Jayapura City urban villages, where each beneficiary received IDR 23.5 million to rehabilitate his home.

Head of the Papuan Housing Provision I Center (BP2P) of the Directorate General of Housing of the Ministry of PUPR, Aleksander Simon Lopulalan, represented by the Head of the Papua Province Housing Provision Work Unit, PS Desyarmedamen, said the distribution of the allocation of 147 BSPS Program houses in Jayapura City in 2023 was located in a number of areas, namely Abepura District (36 units) in Wahno Village, South Jayapura District (41 units) spread across Ardipura Village and Entrop and Argapura.

Then, in North Jayapura District (41 units) in Tanjung Ria Village, Mandala, Trikora, Bhayangkara and Guelingsi and in Heram District (29 units) in Waena Village.

"The value of the BSPS Program assistance that we distribute to the public is Rp. 23.5 million, it can be used to buy building materials of Rp. 18.5 million and the remaining Rp. 5 million for the repairman's wages," he said in an official statement, quoted on Friday, April 5.

One of the recipients of the BSPS Program who is also a Pastor at the Fellowship of the Papua Baptist Church (PGBP) Dawir Harun Taboni stated that the activities to improve the quality of the house of the Ministry of PUPR were very beneficial for the community.

In the past, there were many houses around where he lived in Entrop Village, South Jayapura, whose walls were only made of makeshift wood and did not have a good building structure.

"Now the house we live in is very useful and thanks to the government, especially the Ministry of PUPR which has paid attention to us in Papua. Now the walls of our house are from bricks and the construction of the house is also sturdy and there are Field Facilitators for the BSPS Program in the construction and preparation of administrative reports," he said.

The same thing was also conveyed by other residents who received the BSPS Patius Tabuni Program. He expressed his gratitude for having obtained the BSPS program from the government.

"Thank you, Ministry of PUPR and I hope this BSPS Program will continue because there are still many people who need decent houses," he added.

The BSPS is a form of government funding support for low-income people (MBR) to improve the quality of self-help houses based on mutual cooperation. The implementation of the BSPS Program carried out by the Ministry of PUPR is spread throughout Indonesia.

The Directorate General of Housing of the Ministry of PUPR will continue to coordinate with the local government (Pemda) as the proposer of the community who are entitled to receive this assistance.

In addition, the Directorate General of Housing is also working with the private sector so that they can actively participate through their CSR and Baznas so that more people get the BSPS.

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